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Thread: Wishlist functionality not seemingly working

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Melbourne, VIC

    Wishlist functionality not seemingly working

    I have created a number of wishlists for rugby that don't seem to work. I am presently using the 1.4/5 (think its 1.5) version of Oztivo for the Sony. I have setup wishlists for keyword and/or title "rugby" and also "wallabies" and none of the upcoming games appear. I also tried rugby under category but unfortunately its not a sub-category of sport.

    Anyway, given that I have the wallabies Australia Vs Ireland test tomorrow morning I thought it might work. Also, this is not the first time this has happened to me with rugby - it happened the last weekend also.
    Should I just assume that wishlists don't really work too well under Oztivo? Other than rugby I have been using season passes that don't seem to have many issues.


    TivoHD w/1tb "update"
    TiVo SVR2000 unit w/200Gb Seagate, Turbonetcard & Dlink-810 wireless bridge, FTA Strong STB. Latest image 1.6.###

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    wishlists depend upon the term being in the title/description. Tonights match does not seem to have 'rugby' in the info, but does have 'Wallabies'. I've never had any issues with WL's they work well for me.

    Did you remember to check 'automatically record' the wishlists you created ?

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Melbourne, VIC
    Quote Originally Posted by petestrash View Post

    Did you remember to check 'automatically record' the wishlists you created ?

    Yes. but in testing last night I just manually ran whether it had anything that conformed to the wishlist. Still didn't work.

    Also, is it possible to make a sub-category of sport - such as rugby? Under the sub-categories there are many other esoteric supposed sports but not rugby. I am guessing that if it was one then it would be automatically caught up? or not.
    Funny that the guide data shows the genre being "rugby" and "sports"

    Just curious whether something is awry with my tivo or whether other people can replicate the Wallabies none-catch by the wishlist.
    Last edited by JustinD; 19-11-2006 at 10:28 PM.

    TivoHD w/1tb "update"
    TiVo SVR2000 unit w/200Gb Seagate, Turbonetcard & Dlink-810 wireless bridge, FTA Strong STB. Latest image 1.6.###

  4. #4
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    I have sub category 'Rugby Union' on the TiVo and 'Rugby' when using TivoWebPlus.

    We upgraded all the genres a couple of months ago to make them more Australian including sports like AFL.

    If I try a WL on one of my TiVo's using the 'Sports Group/Rugby Union' genre it picks up the game fine. Same using TiVoWebPlus 'Sport/Rugby' genre.

    I assume you are using a Sony SVR2000 (from your sig), Are you using the Philips or Sony image on your TiVo? We had issues with the new genres on UK Thomson TiVo's, but not aware of any issues with the Sony's.

    Lastly have you tried making any other 'new' wishlists or season passes in the last couple of days, and are they working ok.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  5. #5
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    Melbourne, VIC
    Possibly having an old image I don't have those sub-categories. I only tried it from tivo. Just tried on Tivoweb plus and I have the sub-category. So i will add it there.
    Yes. I am using the Sony image and its and SVR2000. Not sure what my problem is. I am probably going to run the upgrade script in the next week anyway as all I need to manually do is mfs_ftp given the new image has webplus. Thanks for helping me.

    TivoHD w/1tb "update"
    TiVo SVR2000 unit w/200Gb Seagate, Turbonetcard & Dlink-810 wireless bridge, FTA Strong STB. Latest image 1.6.###

  6. #6
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    Perth, Western Australia
    I don't think the upgrade script will work on the sony image. It has only been tested on the philips image.

    I think the genre problem lies in the sony image. The new genres are a slice that your TiVo has already downloaded during a daily call a couple of months ago. The new gernes are available in TWP for you, but not in the on screen UI.

    If you are going to upgrade, I would suggest moving to the Philips image. The only difference is the backgrounds in the menus.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by petestrash View Post
    I don't think the upgrade script will work on the sony image. It has only been tested on the philips image.
    If you are going to upgrade, I would suggest moving to the Philips image. The only difference is the backgrounds in the menus.

    Wow. Good to know. I didn't pick up on my scanning that the upgrade script was only for the Phillips unit.
    For using the Phillips image do I have to do anything funky in regards to the remote? (I use the Sony one).
    I do remember some discussion about it but I am not very clear on the issue.

    TivoHD w/1tb "update"
    TiVo SVR2000 unit w/200Gb Seagate, Turbonetcard & Dlink-810 wireless bridge, FTA Strong STB. Latest image 1.6.###

  8. #8
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    After some checking, the upgrade script should work the same regardless of Sony/Phillips as they both use the same mfs. But am unaware of anyone who has tried it.

    If you do decide to do a fresh install, the remote is no longer an issue and is setup to use either the Philips or Sony remotes without any further input from you.

    before you do either, can you manually try loading the new genre slice with the following insturctions:

    cd /tmp
    gzip -d GN-oztivo-v14.slice.gz
    dbload30.tcl GN-oztivo-v14.slice
    and let me know if you get an error message.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  9. #9
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    Ok. I will try that tomorrow since i don't have access to the tivo tonight.

    TivoHD w/1tb "update"
    TiVo SVR2000 unit w/200Gb Seagate, Turbonetcard & Dlink-810 wireless bridge, FTA Strong STB. Latest image 1.6.###

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