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Thread: service unavailable message

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    South Coast NSW
    Hi Peter
    Dicussed problem with Hotkey who were most obliging.
    They say they have no proxy on my account.
    If they did it would be port 80.

    They can see no reson why I cannot caontact Minnie
    They can connect to the url and to

    Would it be woth you speaking to them on their 1300 number, as you can certainly ask better question than I.

    Attach the traceroute results.

    Don M
    Having trouble submitting, so this reply may be a duplicate
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  2. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    Did you give the traceroute some time to run? There are no results shown.

    It can take about a minute to complete.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    South Coast NSW

    service unavailable messaage

    Hi Peter
    Attach the results of traceroute.
    Each line took about 30 seconds.

    Attached Files Attached Files

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    South Africa
    Hi Don

    If you could enable the debug log and trace files in emuProxyZA, this should enable us to determine where the problem lies.

    First thing that needs to be done is to kill the running instance of emuProxyZA, this is done as follows:
    ps ax		(look for the emuProxyZA pid in the list returned)
    kill pid	(replace pid with the emuProxyZA pid from above e.g. kill 154)
    You can now start emuProxyZA with the debug and trace files enabled as follows:
    /hack/bin/emuProxyZA -ds /var/log/ -dc /var/log/ -d2 > /var/log/emuProxyZA.log 2>&1 &
    Once done, you can initiate a daily call and wait until if fails.

    Your TiVo's '/var/log/' directory should now contain a file named 'emuProxyZA.log', this is the debug log. There should also be a number of files named 'epXRequest.log' and 'epXResponse.log' (X being a number), these are the trace files of all the requests made by your TiVo and the responses received from the server. If you could zip up both the debug log as well as all the trace files and post them here, we may be able to determine where things are failing.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    South Coast NSW

    service unavailable message

    Good morning
    Thought I had worked out how to modify the files as suggeted.
    However with my nearly zero knowledge of linux, I do not.

    1. Found the emuProxy pid (161 in ps ax1, attached)

    2. Kill 162 removed it ( ps ax2, attached)

    How do I now add the required emuProxy with the debug?

    I'm out of my depth I think.

    Don M
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  6. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    once emuprozyZa has been killed, all you need to do is copy the line below:

    /hack/bin/emuProxyZA -ds /var/log/ -dc /var/log/ -d2 > /var/log/emuProxyZA.log 2>&1 &

    and paste it at your prompt in putty and press enter.

    Then do a daily call and follow the rest of the instructions.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    South Coast NSW

    service unavailable message

    Good afternoon all.
    Added the line as indicated and made daily call.
    emuProxyZA.log was there, but no epXResponse.logs

    Attach the session.


    Don M
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  8. #28
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    South Africa
    Quote Originally Posted by Donaldovitch View Post
    1. Found the emuProxy pid (161 in ps ax1, attached)

    2. Kill 162 removed it ( ps ax2, attached)
    Out of interest, if the pid listed was 161 why did you type "kill 162"? Doing so should have led to a result of "bash: kill: (162) - No such pid" but I do see that emuProxyZA is no longer listed in your "ps ax" listing, not sure why though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Donaldovitch View Post
    Added the line as indicated and made daily call.
    emuProxyZA.log was there, but no epXResponse.logs
    The reason no trace files (i.e. epXrequest.log & epXresponse.log) are being created is because the new instance of emuProxyZA is not running due to an existing instance already running. This is indicated by the below lines in the 'emuProxyZA.log' file:
    Cannot bind port - are we already running?: Address already in use
    Run "ps ax | grep emu" to confirm that neither emuProxyZA nor emuProxy is running. If either are there then kill them, if not then reboot your TiVo and try killing them again and running emuProxyZA in debug mode.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    South Coast NSW

    service unavailable message

    Good morning.
    I just cannot kill emuProxy!
    Attach log of trying to remove line 162 (161 in my last post was typo).
    Basically I
    check to see if the line is there with ps ax | grep emu,
    open with ps ax,
    check the pid number,
    command kill 162,
    check that is gone with ps ax
    and reboot TiVo

    The line always reappears.

    I am obviously doing something wrong here, and I do thank you for your persistence with a tyro.

    Don M
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  10. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    When you reboot the TiVo, emuProxyzA will be restarted. If, after killing emuProxyZA you dont see it listed by the ps command, you can be pretty sure that you've stopped it. Therefore no need to reboot.

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