Hi all,
I have developed a script which attempts to fix the audio issues people are experiencing on some channels. The issue is that some channels are now broadcasting 2 audio streams. One of these cannot be decoded sucessfully by the TiVo. It also seems to be selected as the default stream when you change channels. The result is either no audio, squeaks etc on the audio, and in some cases no video. This would probably be easy to fix if the Tivo was still supported, but of course it isn't. So we have to find ways around the problem. So, I spent a a considerable amount of time analysing the problem and have developed a script which seems to fix the issue. It works by listening for channel change events, and then selecting the English audio stream if multiple streams are detected. In testing so far it is working well for both live TV and recordings, but to date it as only been tested by a handful of people. I have been running it for over a month now without any issues.

The next stage is to automatically roll this script out to whoever wants/needs it. For most people this should be an automatic process. I'd like a few more people to test this before making it widely available. To date, I have installed it on 4 tivos, it has been manually installed on 2 or 3 others, and automatically installed on 2.
I'm still waiting for feedback from some of the testers, so I'm asking for an additional 2 or 3 volunteers to by guinea-pigs for the automatic roll out. All you need to do is send me your Tivo service number (via private message) and I'll schedule your Tivo for an update.
For this to work, you must:
1) have the audio problem
2) have a tivo with auto update running (this should all but the very early modified Tivos)
3) be willing to give feedback on the process
4) be prepared to take the risk that it may brick your tivo (low risk, but still possible. If this happens you may need to get some one to pull the disk to fix the issue)

If you are willing to give it a try, please send me a PM with your TSN.

If you feel more comfortable waiting until it has been more thoroughly tested, then please be patient and wait until it is ready for general roll out.
