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Thread: WD Purple or Seagate Skyhawk?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Caboolture, QLD

    Cool WD Purple or Seagate Skyhawk?

    One of my TiVos has the dreaded Error S03 and after multiple Kickstart 57 and retries have decided to
    replace drive with new WD Purple 1TB but those drives are no stock.
    Has anybody tried the Seagate Skyhawk 1TB, it appears to be a very similar spec?

    I have WinMFS and a Sata adaptor for my USB socket ready to go, but would appreciate
    advice on Seagate before proceeding.

    Thanks all

    Owen B (now in Caboolture)
    Last edited by Owen_B_NZ; 17-12-2021 at 01:46 PM. Reason: spelling

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Caboolture, QLD
    Well, nobody knows about the Seagate so I used WinMFS in Admin mode to back up TiVo#3 then wrote that backup onto the faulty drive.
    Just a few hours of clear and delete everything, re-run Guided Setup and the drive is, for now, happy. The crunch will be the next update session

    We will see.......

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Caboolture, QLD
    Well, I could not just sit and wait, wrote the good backup onto the Skyhawk and away we went, all good, mounting holes
    all match up, easy as peeing shells. I will probably retire the WD320 Green and just leave the Skyhawk in there for long term
    and still have a spare HDD. So, for the price (unbelievable) I vote the Skyhawk.
    Also figured out a cure for the constant rebooting at 2am of both Tivos, just do the update at 7am so the sorting is not upset
    by the 2am reboot, all good.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Victoria, Melbourne
    Quote Originally Posted by NatalieKennedy View Post
    Any update on Seagate working?
    Unsure if this is a bad attempt at a troll, but as Owen kindly pointed out, the Seagate is working. Given that I believe the problem's been solved out I'm going to lock the thread. Thank you Owen for at least answering your concern and contributing back, it's appreciated and I hope others will find the information useful.
    Ex Tivo Owner.
    Philips Tivo
    Version 1.3 Emulator Image from Minnie
    200Gig Western Digital HDD
    No Turbonet or Cachecard
    Slices: Cable Digital FTA

  5. #5
    Any update on the Seagate working?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Caboolture, QLD
    Replied your PM but for everyone else: Yes the Seagate Skyhawk is running well and very quietly. WinMFS recognised it OK and 200/400 hours are available.
    Considering upgrading spare Tivo but no need for now. You do need a good backup to save doing the C&DE where you lose everything.


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