Along with the great work Thomson TiVo has been doing on TivoWebPlus, the updates of the New Zealand customised images have been released using the TWP bundle as default web interface.
New Zealand customised versions of the ozTiVo ISO images have been created and released on orac.
The main image files are nzTiVo-Philips-Installer.iso and nzTiVo-Sony-Installer.iso. The NZ customised Thomson UK installer is currently a beta (jaidev advises) and is available for testing as nzTiVo-Thomson-Installer-BETA.iso.
MD5 sums of the images are in md5sums file.
Last edited by DJC; 16-08-2006 at 07:31 PM.
Along with the great work Thomson TiVo has been doing on TivoWebPlus, the updates of the New Zealand customised images have been released using the TWP bundle as default web interface.
Last edited by DJC; 16-08-2006 at 06:50 PM.
New Zealand TiVo Install Images
These images are customised versions of ozTiVo images for the New Zealand setup. We recommend using these over the ozTiVo versions for installations in New Zealand (although the oz ones work fine you'll need to change a few more things around).
nzTiVo-Philips-Installer-Aug06TWP.iso (~97MB)
Master philips install image based on ozTiVo 1.5 and version 3 of the tivo software.
nzTiVo-Sony-Installer-Aug06TWP.iso (~97MB)
Master sony SVR image based on ozTiVo 1.5 and version 3 of the tivo software.
nzTiVo-Thomson-Installer-Dec06RC1.iso (~323MB)
Master thomson installer, this is a first release candidate and supercedes the prerelease alpha and beta versions. This is known to work, but requires a little more tweaking than the v3.0 software images. It is based on tivo version 2.5.5 software.
Old, but well tested stuff follows (previous images):-
nzTiVo-Philips-Installer-TWold.iso (~94MB)
Philips install image based on ozTiVo 1.5, a known good image this is the prior NZ image which used tivoweb. New Zealand images are now using TivoWebPlus.
nzTiVo-Sony-Installer-TWold.iso (~94MB)
Philips install image based on ozTiVo 1.5, a known good image this is the prior NZ image which used tivoweb. New Zealand images are now using TivoWebPlus.
Last edited by petestrash; 22-08-2007 at 09:49 PM. Reason: Changed Philips & Sony links
Updated Dec '06