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Thread: Daily Call no longer working

  1. #1

    Daily Call no longer working

    Just installed 1st TIVO last week. All seemed to be working fine initially (including successful daily calls) - only issue was season passes weren't working. Turns out that my clock was warped, so I did the fix and season passes now working great.

    Not sure if this was the cause, or simply a coincidence, but ever since I got the season passes working, my TIVO can no longer make a successful daily call (or test call). TivoWeb working fine, all the networking tests seem to check out fine, but still no luck on the call. I've rebooted a few times now with no luck. For what it's worth - I'm using iHug, 8000 emulator, and latest slice from OzTivo.

    Any suggestions? Guide data runs out on Friday so I only have a few days to get this going before the wife comes after me!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    The Mainland
    PM me your tivoid and I will look at the emulator logs for you.

    Cheers, DJC
    1 x Philips TiVo Series 1, Cachecard, 1 x 1TB SATA (with recent TradeMe sourced adaptor), Mk II Pal Tuner Mod, NZ Emulator, Previously Dual A/V Source, Now Pay Satellite
    2 x TiVo HD, Freeview, HNP, 2TB (WD-AV) jmfs upgraded
    1 x Thomson UK TiVo, Cachecard, 200GB, Testing Work

  3. #3

    Problem with Orac

    Is there a problem with Orac as I can't download guide data and when I try to go to the images ftp ( I get unable to connect messages. My ISP is Xtra.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Auckland, NZ

    No response - server down?

    Just my luck - decided to do the re-image today and move to port 8000 ahead of 1 March, but I can't even ping, let alone download the image or get any data for the GS!
    Is there a problem with the server at ?

    US Phillips Series 1 TiVo
    OzTivo Image 1.3; 200GB Seagate HD; CacheCard w 512MB
    Pace Sky STB

  5. #5
    Orac is currently down, it's had a disk failure. I'm working on it and it should be back within a couple of hours.

  6. #6
    OK, Orac's back with a new HD, (and in the process it's now an Athlon 1800)

    (For the devs, tivo home directory is unchanged, as it was on the second disk)

    The system disk is the one that got replaced and it's back to what it was at midnight. Which mainly mean the databases might have rollled back.
    Last edited by Wibble; 25-02-2007 at 08:48 PM.

  7. #7
    Excellent news.
    Thanks for all your efforts.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    The Mainland
    Yes, good work, as always.
    1 x Philips TiVo Series 1, Cachecard, 1 x 1TB SATA (with recent TradeMe sourced adaptor), Mk II Pal Tuner Mod, NZ Emulator, Previously Dual A/V Source, Now Pay Satellite
    2 x TiVo HD, Freeview, HNP, 2TB (WD-AV) jmfs upgraded
    1 x Thomson UK TiVo, Cachecard, 200GB, Testing Work

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Exclamation Help!

    I've been using the NZtivo image for around a year now - and it's been going GREAT!

    However - I didn't notice but 1 week ago my daily call stopped working.

    I have no idea why - I didn't do anything that I recall at that time. It was aroung the 23 Sep that I installed the daylight savings stuff - and that has seemed to be working fine...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    OK - I did a reboot - & it started working.

    Decidedly odd. I must have tried the daily call about 4 times before doing the reboot...

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