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Thread: TiVo Not Getting IP Address

  1. #1

    TiVo Not Getting IP Address


    I've been trying to set up my first TiVo but things aren't going according to plan. The TiVo was sent to me as a gift, already mod to work in Australia. I've been trying all different types of network set ups with it and have gone to a basic set up consisting of a router connected directly to the TiVo and a MacBook. The Web interface of the router shows the MacBook connected and has given it the IP address of I have tried multiple restarts of the Tivo and router and still can't get the TiVo to ask for a IP address. The link lights are displayed on the router and I have tried swapping cables.

    Any Ideas? I can't do the option of pulling out the HDD and booting up in a PC as I only have a MacBook

    Thank you,


  2. #2
    I had this problem also when I first got mine. I did not have a DHCP server on my Network. See if your Router has a DHCP facility on it. Define the DHCP Scope and then reboot your Tivo.

    It should pick up an IP address and you will get a message in the "Messages and Setup" section on the main meny. The message will tell you what Tivo's IP and MAC address are.

    You should then be able to FTP, Telnet and HTTP to the Tivo.

  3. #3
    Thanks jamesljm, I've tried two different routers and made sure they were serving IP addresses via DHCP. About 2 minutes after restarting the TiVo I get a message telling me the IP address is

    I tried a different approach, I directly connected the MacBook to the TiVo and ran the web server as mentioned in one of the posts on this forum, the TiVo hung on the starting TiVo splash page.

    The Tivo is running 1.4. What would happen if theres a static IP address programmed in thats out of my scope?



  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by vmancini View Post
    I get a message telling me the IP address is
    The Tivo is running 1.4.
    That's your problem. r1.4 is very out of date software (latest is r1.6.2) and had a known bug of not reporting the IP address properly.

    I suggest getting the hard disk reimaged with r1.6.2 which is available on
    Darren King
    OzTiVo Repairs and Modifications
    If your TiVo requires repairs or modifications
    then visit:


  5. #5

    Smile Tivo Problems

    Hi All,

    Im the person who sent Vito the tivo as a xmas pressie for him and his family. I got it from Ron in Canberra.

    Darren I dont think the problem Vito is referring to is just the reporting issue from the earlier images.

    The version vito has I am told is 1.4, but this unit came from Ron in Canberra so may have had an intermediate version of the software installed before the later releases were finalised. So truth be told I cant be 100% certain what version of the software is in there until guided setup starts.

    Anyway, if it was just the reporting issue, the router administration software/webpage would report the Tivo as an attached device and give its IP address even though its reported Thats how we would obtain the IP to TivoWeb in with our Tivo at home.

    He has also tried two different routers. Same thing. No picking up of IP by DHCP.

    Im wondering whether it was set up with a static IP which is on a different subnet or range to the those IP addresses being served up by the router.

    Is there any way of checking outside of tivoweb and without an IP Address?


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    As Darren said, the upgrade from 1.4 to 1.6.2 has been fairly painless for most people.

    The fault in 1.4 was with the reporting of the IP address on boot. The reporting doesn't work correctly, but this didn't stop the tivo from obtaining an address. The updated file is available HERE copy it into /hack/bin.

    Even without this file, if you check your router a couple of minutes after the TiVo has completed booting up you should see what IP it has given it.

    Also you could use an IP scanning program like IPscan to find where it is on your network.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  7. #7

    Vito's issue

    Hi Peter,

    Unfortunately vito cant FTP in to add any files until he obtains an IP address first.

    In respect of the router, when he waits a few minutes and checks with the router, no IP address has been assigned. So I really dont think this is just an issue of the Tivo not reporting the IP address on startup.

    It might be that reimaging is the best bet. Unfortunately Vito and our whole family are Mac users. We dont have any desktops with spare drive bays. Has anyone been able to reimage using a mac and an external hard disk in a firewire400/usb2.0 enclosure?

    Regards and Many Thanks

  8. #8
    Hi Guys

    The software on the machine is the version which was current before the most recent (beta still?) release. It incorporates the delay before sending the IP address message so I'm pretty confident that it's *not* getting an IP address via DHCP. It should not have been assigned a Static IP, and I'm pretty sure it hasn't because (as far as I recall) a static address is always reported correctly in the TiVo message, even in the older version with the reporting problem... As the IP didn't come from DHCP it was not affected by DHCP delays...

    I'm totally clueless on Mac stuff, so I'm not sure how to proceed with debugging this issue, can anybody offer any further cues?


  9. #9
    Hi Ron,

    Thanks for the reply. I think the best bet would be for Vito to borrow a mates PC tower and reimage the tivo disc with 1.6 unless someone knows how to do this with a mac externally.

    Thanks again

  10. #10
    It can't hurt to re-image, it's desirable really anyway, but not actually likely to solve the root cause of the problem I think. I think there's something else wrong, probably on the network...

    (Len, is this the TiVo which was swapped due to the sound issues? You did request that one of the TiVos back in August be supplied with a Static address, but you did tell me that you had already set that one up. I'm sure that the one that you returned to me just before xmas had dynamic addressing).


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