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Thread: IR code for Austar ATB G3

  1. #1

    IR code for Austar ATB G3

    Does anyone have a code for the Austar G3. I have tried 30016 and 30017 from the OzTivo database for Austar but neither work with my G3. (30017 will find some numbers, some of the time)
    Alternatively is their someone out there with better skills than me, who can write a TIVO IR slicecreator program for this G3 if I supply a remote. I've tried to use the slicecreator program, but its all a bit too technical for this poor old pilot. Cheers!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    I'd be happy to capture the codes for you, but I won't be back in Oz till mid October.

    Do you know who makes your box?

    Some of the 1xxxx from the US like the general instruments codes worked well on earlier Optus STB's.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  3. #3

    Austar G3 codes

    Thankyou Peter.
    Manufacturer of Austar G3 is ADB (Advanced Digital Broadcast) of Switzerland. The OzTIVO data base code 30017 that can be found in the OzTivo database is for a very similar model the Atlas. The Atlas and G3 look identical but must have different software.
    I'm also running down the track of "maybe the problem is the IR cable" and have been trying lots of options as suggested by the forum. No luck as yet apart from some occassion pick up of one or two numbers.
    I appreciate your offer and will contact you again in mid-October.
    Regards, Greg Norris.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by gregn View Post
    I'm also running down the track of "maybe the problem is the IR cable"
    Hi Greg

    Possible, but rare. You can test this in two ways:

    1. Try looking at the Blaster emitter (the bit you put up near your STB) through a digital camera or video camera. Modern CCD lenses can see IR light and convert it into visible light in the viewfinder and you will be able to see the blinks when you change channel.

    2. Unplug the IR Blaster cable and see if the inbuilt IR blaster in the front panel "eye" of the TiVo gives better results. There may be enough IR emitted to bounce off a nearby wall, or if your STB and TiVo is behind a glass door of an entertainment unit the IR light will reflect adequately off this. If either of those is not within your scope of setup then face the STB directly at the eye of the TiVo.
    Darren King
    OzTiVo Repairs and Modifications
    If your TiVo requires repairs or modifications
    then visit:


  5. #5
    Thankyou for your suggestions Darren.
    I have eliminated the IR cable as a source of the problem. I have worked the IR direct from the front of the TiVo and the result is the same as using IR cable. I have also used two different IR Cables. Always the same result.
    I have covered the Source on front of TiVo, varied the positioning of the emitter lead, worked the whole thing in a darkened room and tried every suggestion I could find on the Forum. The annoying thing is that using code 30017 I can get every number from 0 through 9 to have worked at one time or other, but I can not get consistent 2 or 3 number sequences to work. I have even played with direct change of the number of digits expected by TiVo by Telnetting program changes. I have it currently set at 3 digits as my Austar Channels are 3 digit. Naturally I have used all 3 speeds on the database for Code 30017. I cant quite understand why if I can get each number 0 through 9 to work sometimes why not most times. I have a success rate of about 1 in 20 or so tries. I understand IR is not 100% but I have not been able to get the TiVo to make a single channel change on it's own as yet.
    Is it possible this could be a a hardware problem withinthe IR generator in the TiVo box or is it as simple as the Code 30017 is not correct for my Austar G3 box?
    Any thoughts from anyone will be appreciated.
    Regards, Greg. Norris

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Is it possible this could be a a hardware problem withinthe IR generator in the TiVo box
    No. I do a long list of tests on every TiVo I get for modding and in the IR Blaster department I do two:

    1. I test with a visible LED plugged into the IR socket on the rear of the TiVo (as opposed to the usual IR LED in a Blaster) and the brightness levels and patterns I observed on yours was normal.

    2. I test that the TiVo will change channels on a STB I have in the test rack when I use my pre-configured test hard disk to check that all A/V inputs and outputs are functional before I commence modifications, and again after modifications.

    I would not be casting suspicion on it being a hardware problem but more the 30017 code is similar but not perfect for the G3.
    Darren King
    OzTiVo Repairs and Modifications
    If your TiVo requires repairs or modifications
    then visit:


  7. #7
    Thanks again Darren.
    I wasn't aware you did all these tests but I'm pleased you are so thorough. At least this forum and your expertise has helped eliminate many possible options. Like most things, its probably the simplest answer which is most likely.At least I've been learning a lot about mg TiVo.
    I really think it must be the code.
    Back to square one.

  8. #8
    hi everyone, i am also having exactly the same problem with the Austar Satelite unit. I am also getting 1 or 2 numbers on the 30017 code. I have tried numerous ir blasters including on with a visable led as well. It appears that Tivo misses the first number most time and gets the next 2 of the 3 channel numbers.

  9. #9
    Hi Trevor,
    Petestrash has kindly offerred to try and write a new code for the G3 Austar STB. I sent him a G3 remote control last week for him to take the IR codes off if possible, although he has warned me it might not be possible. Keep your eye out on the "setup" files for a new code under Austar, if/when Petestrash is able to find time to get it up and running. Regards, GregN

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    I haven't recieved the remote yet, but it does take a long time for parcel post to make it across the desert.

    If I can get it to capture, I will need to send the files to you for test before they are included in the IR slice.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

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