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Thread: PVR10UK Hard Drive Upgrade and Cachecard

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Question PVR10UK Hard Drive Upgrade and Cachecard


    I've just got a 250GB drive installed and the Cachecard from silicondust,

    Ive used the image from nztivo's website, ( the non-beta ) named one, and have had it boot first time with "System Is powering up... then it looks like it reboots then tries again constantly .. OR the screen disappears then comes back then disappears again... seems odd, hard to know which of the two scenarios is actually happening at this time..

    has any one else seen this behaviour?

    thinking maybe the iso image was corrupt....


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    Have you tried booting without the cache card to see if it will boot any further?

    Did you use the standard 127mb partition swap size.

    What brand and model of HDD are you using.

    Has this tivo worked before, or is this a first install.

    Even though this is not the cause of your current problem, make sure you fix the fault mentioned here to stop other problems later.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    Have you tried booting without the cache card to see if it will boot any further?

    Not yet, i'm still not sure about the image.. i'll reburn and try again.

    Did you use the standard 127mb partition swap size.

    Yes i did.

    What brand and model of HDD are you using.

    Segate Barracuda 7200 ST3250824a - its much less power consumption that most others, less than .5 of an amp vs .9 of an amp for say WD drives.

    Has this tivo worked before, or is this a first install.

    Yes was fine with its 40 GB drive

    Even though this is not the cause of your current problem, make sure you fix the fault mentioned here to stop other problems later.

    I will do this when i get it up and running.

    Hmnn seems that when the drive is reburned there is a Image error at the last part of it ie 99% says there is some error with image...

    i need to make sure im using the correct image, can someone give me the path to the correct image, ie

    the beta image doesnt seem to boot at all, and the non beta boots but has that error at the end..

    Thanks for your help!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    It was the image that was the problem,.. boots fine now and have got to guided setup...

    I can use tivo web to control it but i can't putty to it, seems strange I thought that telnet would be enabled by default, how can I enable telnet ? remotely, I cant see anything on the tivo web interface that will help with that.

    Thanks for your help

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    What's the symptoms?

    Using PuTTY to connect to my TiVo I had to un-set the following connection / telnet setting:

    'Return key sends Telnet New Line instead of ^M'
    Meat, beer, ... what more could a kid ask for? Of course... a TiVo! What were my parents thinking?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by n10ct
    I can use tivo web to control it but i can't putty to it, seems strange I thought that telnet would be enabled by default, how can I enable telnet ? remotely, I cant see anything on the tivo web interface that will help with that.
    Did you fix the problem I pointed out earlier ?

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2006



    Okay the change you mentioned doesnt exit in the image ive used, the NZtivo image has scartmux.tcl instead...

    tivoweb works perfectly... but telnet is not possible, connection does not get accepted.
    doing a port scan on the tivo shows it has only 21 for ftp and 80 for http open.

    no telnet client is able to connect obviously.

    using the nztivo image knoppix cd, booting from the cd with the new tivo HD in a pc, i can access the drive and edit the rc.sysint etc but ive been unable to find definitive instructions for checking telnet installation, i believe it uses tnlited.

    *sigh so close yet so far...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    On the OzTiVo image it is started by rc.sysinit around line 618 with other OzTiVo hacks.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Smile All up and running...

    Hi Pete,

    thanks for you help, it seems tha after another reimage process it all works fine, so i cant figure that out, but hey it all running now.

    seems channel daata etc has come down okay witht eport 800 emulator, only trouble im having now is that it e you seen this behavavseem that i can only use live tv on one channel, for the others it brings up the typical tivo error message that usually flicks up two r three times in a few seconds before it actually shows the one channel that does show in live tv. It says that there maybe a connection problem, check your cables, your aerial and try plugging in directly or rebooting the tivo... which of course makes no difference...

    have you seen this behaviour?

    cheers, and again many thanks for your assistance!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Wellington, NZ
    Quote Originally Posted by n10ct
    i can only use live tv on one channel, for the others it brings up the typical tivo error message that usually flicks up two r three times in a few seconds before it actually shows the one channel that does show in live tv.
    Have you checked all channels/frequencies. It is different in various parts of the country, but in Wellington TV1 is on channel 1, TV2 is on channel 5, TV3 on 11, C4 on 2, Prime on 60, and MaoriTV on 44. I am not sure what channels the headends are using. You may need to remap the frequencies using ChannelMap or fine tuning via palmod (or ukchan if you have UK hardware). I have a friend currently getting a tuner installed and setting it up against the 8000 emulator so will know a little more details about what could be required in a week or two (however he is doing this on a US TiVo so the process will be a little different).

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