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Thread: "Failed service unavailable" message

  1. #1

    on a similar note

    I have been away for a few days and on my return i have noticed that i have no tv guide data.
    The last call status is today "Failed service unavailable"
    I went to tivoweb and forced a daily call and almost immediately got the same message again.
    I rebooted and tried again but no luck.
    Obviously my network is working as i can access Tivoweb.

    any ideas gratefully accepted


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    I have split your post off the 'Wont let me access "Recorder & Phone Setup" ' thread as it didn't really have any relevance to that subject.

    Having access to tivoweb only shows you have access to your TiVo, but does not test if your TiVo has access to the internet to download data.

    You should run through the network troubleshooter.

    Read from about half way down NetworkingHowto starting at "Configuration and Diagnostics" and follow the tests and let us know the results.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  3. #3


    Route worked ok
    I can ping the tivo ok
    I couldn't ping the Tivo headquarters but then again it didnt work from the dos prompt either
    Wget worked
    and the dial prefix was ok too

    one other thing i noticed.
    I did a wget on emuproxy3 and somehow it ended up in the wrong directory so i got my ftp prog running on my pc to move it into the right directory.
    ( i dont know how to do it in linux)
    But where as the FTP has been working fine. Now it aborts the connection?
    i tried another ftp prog and that did the same.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    Did you try pinging an IP address outside your house other than minnie ?

    minnie won't respond to ping's, which is why ( is given in the document as a test IP for pinging from your TiVo.

    Where did you wget emuproxy3 from? Did you try wgeting the suggested 'wget', what happened.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  5. #5

    I didnt ping minnie i pinged the us tive headquarters

    I didnt ping minnie i pinged the US TIVO headquarters in California as suggested in the howto
    the wget seemed to work as i got the same responses as it said i should


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    Sorry, my bad I was reading multiple posts at the same time.

    Yes you are right, TiVo doesn't respond to pings anymore. I have updated the twiki and given a google IP instead.

    Ok, it looks like your TiVo can talk to the outside world ok.

    So now we need to see why your not getting slices.

    Do a daily call, then post your tclient or otclient log so we can see what is happening.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  7. #7

    its too big!

    I did the call and copied part of the tclient log from the time i iniated the call but it was over 15000 chars long and i couldn't post it.


  8. #8

    this is the end bit

    Oct 17 21:16:54 (none) comm[152]: CallService: Start err 0
    Oct 17 21:16:54 (none) comm[152]: CAM_ID not found.
    Oct 17 21:16:54 (none) comm[152]: CallStatusReporter: Phase: Dial, Status In Progress
    Oct 17 21:16:54 (none) comm[152]: CallStatusReporter: sending message "CL|30"
    Oct 17 21:16:54 (none) comm[152]: Backdoor code 4, enable calls via broadband
    Oct 17 21:16:54 (none) comm[152]: Using Ethernet. Not starting modem/pppd.
    Oct 17 21:16:54 (none) comm[152]: CallStatusReporter: Phase: Start_Auth, Status In Progress
    Oct 17 21:16:54 (none) comm[152]: CallStatusReporter: sending message "ST|33"
    Oct 17 21:16:54 (none) comm[152]: CommUtil: connection to host, port 8000, err 0x50005
    Oct 17 21:16:54 (none) comm[152]: tmk tcp connect failed, reason = Operation now in progress
    Oct 17 21:16:54 (none) comm[152]: drainGetPostQ: doXfer failed err=327685 (0x50005)
    Oct 17 21:16:54 (none) comm[152]: NetAgent: drainPostQ failed, err = 0x50005
    Oct 17 21:16:54 (none) comm[152]: CallService: NetAgent Process err 327685
    Oct 17 21:16:54 (none) comm[152]: CallService: NetAgent failed, status 0x50005
    Oct 17 21:16:54 (none) comm[152]: CallService: EndCall start
    Oct 17 21:16:56 (none) comm[152]: CallStatusReporter: Turning off-hook LED off
    Oct 17 21:16:56 (none) comm[152]: Recover private logs
    Oct 17 21:16:56 (none) comm[152]: Opening old private log files
    Oct 17 21:16:56 (none) comm[152]: Reverting private logs
    Oct 17 21:16:56 (none) comm[152]: Cleanup: GetAddDiskBasedDirectories returned <70001> "0x70001"...skipping cleanup
    Oct 17 21:16:56 (none) tcphonehome[152]: CallService return status 0x50005
    Oct 17 21:16:56 (none) tcphonehome[152]: GetPostalCodeVersion - /PostalCode/07000 ServerVersion=26
    Oct 17 21:16:56 (none) tcphonehome[152]: debug: sumServerVersion=26
    Oct 17 21:16:56 (none) comm[152]: CallStatusReporter: Phase: Start_Auth, Status Failed
    Oct 17 21:16:56 (none) comm[152]: CallStatusReporter: sending message "EX|14"
    Oct 17 21:16:56 (none) tcphonehome[152]: TClient failed: EX|14
    Oct 17 21:16:56 (none) tcphonehome[152]: Sending dialup event, subtype 8, msg EX|14
    Oct 17 21:16:56 (none) tcphonehome[152]: setCallStatus called with: Failed state 0
    Oct 17 21:16:56 (none) tcphonehome[152]: LastCallAttempt at 1129583777
    Oct 17 21:16:56 (none) tcphonehome[152]: setting call status to: Failed
    Oct 17 21:16:57 (none) tcphonehome[152]: setting call in progress to 0 (second successCount)
    Oct 17 21:17:01 (none) tcphonehome[152]: Setting callActive to 0
    Oct 17 21:17:01 (none) comm[152]: CallStatusReporter: sending data changed event 20
    Oct 17 21:17:01 (none) tcphonehome[152]: destroying CommGlobals!
    Oct 17 21:17:01 (none) tcphonehome[152]: pCommMempool empty
    Oct 17 21:17:10 (none) tcphonehome[152]: Setting MCP PhoneHome action: ENABLED

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    You can attach the log to your post. or just post the next 40 lines or so after
    '(none) comm[150]: End Ident =================='

    But, looking at the bit you posted it seems that the TiVo is stuck on trying to communicate, so it does not allow any further calls.

    Only fix is to reboot, let the TiVo settle 10-15 minutes and then try another call.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  10. #10


    I have rebooted several times but i'll try again



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