Which version of the oztivo image do you have installed, and do you know if emuproxy is running.
Can you post some of your tclient log showing what is logged during the forced call.
im looking for help from someone a little more experienced than me - im at a loss as to why still cant make a testcall etc during guided setup.
i have a tivo series 1 with a turbonet card which i have successfully installed and appears to be working well. my pc is running xp with service pack 2 and i have ICS activated and running successfully when i switch ethernet crossover cable to a second pc running win 98se ie successfully use internet explorer on on win98 to do google search and even a download of a slice from minnie etc).
however when plug into the tivo i can do the following without trouble:
1. ping tivo and identify tivo ip address.
2. telnet with hyper terminal (tcp/ip style)
3. use this to ipconfig - successfully as per faq''s
4. confirm route - successfully as per faq's
5. ping back to pc - successfully
6. activate dial up modem on pc and establish an internet connection
7. ping o/s - successfully as per faq's
8. run wget to minnie and get "200 ok" reply - successfully as per faq's
9. confirmed with dbget that dialup prefic is #401 (implied above anyway)
however when enter maintainance mode on tivo and start guided setup hangs and fails at call 1 (ditto when using tivo web to do a test call). all this was done with nic_config_tiv0 set to "dchp" but have repeated it by putting in a static ip address (definitely with correct netmask and gateway on pc) but still fails.
has anybody had any experience with this combination? ive read various things here and on the us sites but nothing has jumped out yet?
please someone tell me im doing something embarrasingly obviously wrong
any help much much appreciated :->
cheers red
ps had tivo a while but origonally had airnet card which never got to work properly so have been manually loading slices or just using tivo in maunal mode with origonal oztivo. could go back to that by re ghosting drive but would like to move on in this hobby (if i can !!!)
hi mate
sorry to be so long replying - thanks for posting a reply :->>
im pretty sure got the latest image 3.0 or 3.1
went back and reread all the faq's/posts i could find and started to think it might be a transparant proxy problem. im with tpg and a search showed one mention of them being difficult.
tried emuproxy2 but didnt do any good so tried redirect ala tim kleingeld. worked first time or i thought it did.
got a successful test call during setup using the remote and from tivoweb on my pc but still cant get past setup call 1 - it connects ok then says call failure - call interrupted (not the correct wording but you get the idea).
tivo then says no stuff to download with my setup codes 02000/002 (nsw) and i should pick another set of codes and try again. i havent found any mention of this directly but various people have reported stalling at this stage. seems strange as must be heaps of people using this combination.
anyway - i must be so close now - any ideas???
cheers red
hi pt
sorry took so long to get back to you - work is a bitch sometimes. here's what i tried today - same response as before: FAILED/CALL INTERRUPTED. i hope it makes sense to you and you can see what is going wrong - im not experienced enough with tivo or linux to understand it :->
cheers red
May 21 18:30:08 (none) comm[128]: Backdoor code 4, enable calls via broadband
May 21 18:30:08 (none) comm[128]: Using Ethernet. Not starting modem/pppd.
May 21 18:30:08 (none) comm[128]: CallStatusReporter: Phase: Start_Auth, Status In Progress
May 21 18:30:08 (none) comm[128]: CallStatusReporter: sending message "ST|33"
May 21 18:30:12 (none) comm[128]: CommUtil: connection to host, port 8000, err 0x0
May 21 18:30:12 (none) comm[128]: Uploading HTTP Header for modLog of /var/log/svclog: POST /tivo-service/mlog.cgi HTTP/1.0^M Content-Length: 773^M ^M
May 21 18:30:20 (none) comm[128]: read HTTP Header: HTTP/1.1 200 OK^M Date: Sat, 21 May 2005 07:28:01 GMT^M Server: Apache/1.3.27 (Unix) PHP/4.3.4 mod_perl/1.27 mod_ssl/2.8.14 OpenSSL/0.9.7a^M Connection: close^M Content-Type: text/plain; ch****t=ISO-8859-1
May 21 18:30:24 (none) comm[128]: SvcLogRqst::verify: enter
May 21 18:30:24 (none) comm[128]: SvcLogRqst::verify: unlink(/var/log/svclog.upload)ed (status = 0)
May 21 18:30:28 (none) comm[128]: CommUtil: connection to host, port 8000, err 0x0
May 21 18:30:28 (none) comm[128]: read 384 bytes of upload data for FourOneOneRqst
May 21 18:30:40 (none) comm[128]: CommUtil: connection to host, port 8000, err 0x0
May 21 18:30:40 (none) comm[128]: read 1925 bytes of upload data for HServerRqst
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: HTTP header: HTTP/1.1 200 OK^M
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: HTTP header: Date: Sat, 21 May 2005 07:28:17 GMT^M
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: HTTP header: Server: Apache/1.3.27 (Unix) PHP/4.3.4 mod_perl/1.27 mod_ssl/2.8.14 OpenSSL/0.9.7a^M
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: HTTP header: Connection: close^M
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: HTTP header: Content-Type: text/plain; ch****t=ISO-8859-1^M
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: HTTP header: ^M
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: Start TCD411Resp =====================
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: errMsg:
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: areaCodeObj: &|
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: tollFreeAuth: 0
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: tollFreeNum: 0
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: End TCD411Resp =====================
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: HServerRqst::evaluate starting
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: HTTP header: HTTP/1.1 200 OK^M
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: HTTP header: Date: Sat, 21 May 2005 07:28:28 GMT^M
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: HTTP header: Server: Apache/1.3.27 (Unix) PHP/4.3.4 mod_perl/1.27 mod_ssl/2.8.14 OpenSSL/0.9.7a^M
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: HTTP header: Connection: close^M
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: HTTP header: Content-Type: text/plain; ch****t=ISO-8859-1^M
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: HTTP header: ^M
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: Start SvrResp =====================
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: errMessage:
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: version: 3
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: code: 8
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: softwareList: & C3469EEEF1366|&
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: 86C|& 265D370B|& 831867DD|
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: backChannelPrv: NONE
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: backChannelPub: NONE
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: backChannelLog: NONE
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: backChannelThumb: NONE
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: timeService: NONE
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: sequenceCookie: 12345678
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: inventoryFile:
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: noPrivBackhaul: 1
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: serviceState: 3
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: stateExpiration: 0
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: swSystemName: 3.0-01-1-000
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: infoCode:
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: tcdMessage:
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: globalMessages:
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: keyServer:
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: forceBackhaul: 0
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: publicLogFilter:
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: dbLoadOrder: PG.*
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: regen_token: 0
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: backhaul_data_on: 0
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: personal_data_on: 0
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: dataGroupList:
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: caprqst_url:
May 21 18:30:49 (none) comm[128]: timeout:
May 21 18:30:50 (none) comm[128]: evaluateKeyServer: keyServer =
May 21 18:30:50 (none) comm[128]: evaluateCapRqstUrl: url =
May 21 18:30:50 (none) comm[128]: Evaluate back channel prv: /var/log/tivoLog.prv.gz.bfg
May 21 18:30:50 (none) comm[128]: No URL for backhaul (NONE) for /var/log/tivoLog.prv.gz.bfg
May 21 18:30:50 (none) comm[128]: Evaluate back channel thumb: /var/persist/thumbslog.log.gz.bfg
May 21 18:30:50 (none) comm[128]: No URL for backhaul (NONE) for /var/persist/thumbslog.log.gz.bfg
May 21 18:30:50 (none) comm[128]: No change to force backhaul setting
May 21 18:30:50 (none) comm[128]: Evaluate back channel log: /var/tmp/syslog.gz
May 21 18:30:50 (none) comm[128]: No URL for backhaul (NONE) for /var/tmp/syslog.gz
May 21 18:30:50 (none) comm[128]: CallStatusReporter: Phase: Set_Clock, Status In Progress
May 21 18:30:50 (none) comm[128]: CallStatusReporter: sending message "ST|35"
May 21 18:30:50 (none) comm[128]: No timeService provided, skipping setting clock
May 21 18:30:50 (none) comm[128]: PartialDownload: Looking for /var/packages/IR-oztivo-v215.slice.gz w/chksum= 0xC8C44E5F4986CF3A605FC1030E9C3469EEEF1366
May 21 18:30:50 (none) comm[128]: HServerRqst: enqueue to GetQ, URL:& snowbl:
May 21 18:30:50 (none) comm[128]: PartialDownload: Looking for /var/packages/LG-standard-v67.slice.gz w/chksum= 0x7B13922FB787FFA2135E7610A504698F4046C86C
May 21 18:30:50 (none) comm[128]: HServerRqst: enqueue to GetQ, URL:& snowbl:
May 21 18:30:50 (none) comm[128]: PartialDownload: Looking for /var/packages/02000-30.slice w/chksum= 0x65E790BEC5D97BA7A4994F8689719EF4265D370B
May 21 18:30:50 (none) comm[128]: HServerRqst: enqueue to GetQ, URL:& snowbl:
May 21 18:30:50 (none) comm[128]: PartialDownload: Looking for /var/packages/DBS~02-27.slice w/chksum= 0xF43419AE45278337D52787B4B439872F831867DD
May 21 18:30:50 (none) comm[128]: HServerRqst: enqueue to GetQ, URL:& snowbl:
May 21 18:30:50 (none) comm[128]: HServerRqst::evaluate done, err = 0x0
May 21 18:30:50 (none) comm[128]: CallStatusReporter: Phase: Download, Status In Progress
May 21 18:30:57 (none) comm[128]: CallStatusReporter: sending message "DL|38"
May 21 18:30:57 (none) comm[128]: CommUtil: connection to host, port 80, err 0x0
May 21 18:30:57 (none) comm[128]: Uploading HTTP Header for HttpGet of /var/packages/AC-002-v1.slice: GET /tivo-static/headends/AC-002-v1.slice HTTP/1.0 ^M IDB_CENTERID: 002000020249902^M TCD_ID: 002000020249902^M CALL_ID: 1116700171^M Connection: KeepAlive^M ^M
May 21 18:30:58 (none) comm[128]: Bad HTTP response: HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable
May 21 18:30:58 (none) comm[128]: XferRqst Failed to write all bytes: Bad HTTP response
May 21 18:30:58 (none) comm[128]: drainGetPostQ: doXfer failed err=65535 (0xffff)
May 21 18:30:58 (none) comm[128]: CallService: NetAgent Process err 65535
May 21 18:30:58 (none) comm[128]: CallService: NetAgent failed, status 0xffff
May 21 18:30:58 (none) comm[128]: CallService: EndCall start
May 21 18:31:00 (none) comm[128]: CallStatusReporter: Turning off-hook LED off
May 21 18:31:01 (none) comm[128]: Recover private logs
May 21 18:31:01 (none) comm[128]: Opening old private log files
May 21 18:31:01 (none) comm[128]: Reverting private logs
May 21 18:31:01 (none) tcphonehome[128]: CallService return status 0xffff
May 21 18:31:10 (none) comm[128]: CallStatusReporter: Phase: Download, Status Failed
May 21 18:31:10 (none) comm[128]: CallStatusReporter: sending message "EX|16"
May 21 18:31:10 (none) tcphonehome[128]: TClient failed: EX|16
May 21 18:31:10 (none) tcphonehome[128]: Sending dialup event, subtype 8, msg EX|16
May 21 18:31:10 (none) tcphonehome[128]: setCallStatus called with: Failed state 0
May 21 18:31:10 (none) tcphonehome[128]: LastCallAttempt at 1116700171
May 21 18:31:10 (none) tcphonehome[128]: setting call status to: Failed
May 21 18:31:10 (none) tcphonehome[128]: setting call in progress to 0 (second successCount)
May 21 18:31:18 (none) tcphonehome[128]: Setting callActive to 0
May 21 18:31:18 (none) comm[128]: CallStatusReporter: sending data changed event 20
May 21 18:31:18 (none) tcphonehome[128]: destroying CommGlobals!
May 21 18:31:18 (none) tcphonehome[128]: pCommMempool empty
May 21 18:31:18 (none) tcphonehome[128]: Setting MCP PhoneHome action: ENABLED
hi again pt
that seems quite strange - so the redirect is working to bypass the transparant proxy problem in the first part but it comes back when try to actually download?
is there a fix?
has anybody else seen this problem?
can i work around it by downloading the three files required by the first part of setup myself using telnet access?
id still like to get it to work properly - if necessary i can just reghost the drive(s) but this same problem will still reappear when try to download slices during a daily call wont it? ive already been manually downloading slices and would like to move forward in some way?
hope you - or someone else? - can help more but even so have appreciated your help so far - i dont just want tv jsut to watch its actually the slow steps to learning about tivo/linux that i like as well :->
cheers red
hi pt
gave up - resolved issue in one sense by using a mates email account that doesnt have transparent proxy issues. ozemail does work - straight through - though havent turned off redirect as yet but i assume i dont really need it now - so will buy a casual user account from them and use it once a week to do daily call and any re-setups i need.
i dont think anybody has actually gotten tpg to work - pity but i have appreciated your help - each step is a step forward and i certainly learned a bit :->.
ive been getting around to posting a followup thread and maybe the help files will need to be ammended to include tpg as a no-no?
cheers red
Hi red3
I am with TPG and have had no trouble connecting with tivo and turbonet card
I use a netcomm nb1300+4 router modem and plug tivo in and use
dhcp setting... works fine
cheers splitpin