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Thread: End Of Life for NZ guide data server

  1. #11
    Hi is this why my tv guide data is partly incorrect, some shows that are saying will be on are different. not all but some are? dont have a clue how it works but happy to donate a computer to someone if that would make it correct??

  2. #12
    This thread is about the server that was used for producing the NZ series 1 TiVo guide data not the HDTiVo which I suspect you have Steve.

  3. #13
    I have been chatting with people in the other sticky thread on TV Guide issues and they (being Australian) suggested I ask in here.
    Some of the listings are inconsistent and outright wrong. I realise that all the listings are done by volunteers and would like to offer my time to help out.
    I have a feeling the email I joined with is no longer valid so if you want to accept my offer you'll have to post here.

  4. #14
    As per my last comment this thread is about the server that was used for producing the NZ series 1 TiVo guide data not the HDTiVo. The two guide databases have no connection.
    I suggest you start a new thread for HDTiVo and/or contact Spong via private message as he has been involved in the HD process.

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Islander View Post
    Yes that is my thought as well.
    At present I am working on getting Orac working on my network. My thinking is that it could be coaxed onto another more modern machine and run locally by those that need it.
    Once I have it running I may be able to set a temporary address that you can extract guide data from.
    Did you ever have any luck?
    I dug my old series 1 our today and it still works, was thinking of passing it on, but perhaps it?s only good for parts?


  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by MrGadget1 View Post
    Did you ever have any luck?
    I dug my old series 1 our today and it still works, was thinking of passing it on, but perhaps it?s only good for parts?

    I have got Orac running locally for my two TiVos and I email Ray the slices he needs three times a week. Ray then uses a manual load process to keep his two machines running. There were two more TiVos getting data at the official Orac shutdown but there has been no word from them.

    I have not had time to clone Orac yet but intend to do so. That way anyone can run their own Orac. I have also been looking at the possibility of adding/updating the channel lineup but time and extreme care will be required (and a fully working backup).

    So from this - Orac lives as do 4 S1 TiVos. Also the guide data provided by Orac is generally better than that for the HDTiVo which is a tribute to those that set it up.

  7. #17
    Well done! I suspect my old S1 is destined to be more useful for parts than anything else - don?t really want it hanging around any longer, so offer up the unit for spare parts (ideally to someone in or passing through Christchurch to save freight). If that?s you, you are welcome to it... otherwise I?ll list it either on here or elsewhere...
    Has a cache card even!
    Having a couple of S3?s that never really caught my imagination the way the S1 did, it?s rather sad to see it go... logged into the old TivoWeb the other day and remembered just how brilliant these units were.

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