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Thread: EPG only has info until 1st December

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    New Zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by Doni74 View Post
    Been working well for about a year now.
    There was an issue a few months back when they did some sort of upgrade, but besides that our EPG has always been working.
    Only channel without EPG at the moment is the Edge TV. But none of us ever watch that one anyway.
    I've just discovered I have no guide data beyond tomorrow afternoon, for most channels. Not the first time this has happened. Anybody know what's going on? Is it just that nobody entered the data until recently, and units that call in when there's no data available won't get that block again when it is available? (Because the server, not the TiVo, tracks what it's supposed to have, right? Surely it can't be too hard to add a check to not update that information when the data doesn't exist...)
    Last edited by Pawl; 21-12-2018 at 05:43 PM.

  2. #12
    My EPG is the same. I did the manual connect last night as previously suggested. Some channels already show to be announced, some have what looks like accurate data until 11am some just have news over and over again. The get programme data download took around 20 minutes which I think is how long you would expect for a normal download
    Last edited by A-M Davey; 22-12-2018 at 07:19 AM.

  3. #13
    There is guide data for the few of us that still have the series 1 TiVos. At present a weeks worth. It seems the source(s) of this data are different and, maybe, more reliable than the HD data supply. I understand that the Series 1 server has multiple sources to cover loss of an individual feed.
    Can an aggregation from the Orac generated data be implemented with maybe a transfer of the series 1 server to the current HD platform?

  4. #14
    There has been a problem with the Freeview EPG data source that dried up, but has just become live again. A manual connect should bring you up to date again. Currently a search is on for additional sources that will help prevent this happening again, and we have a couple of good leads.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    New Zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by Spong View Post
    There has been a problem with the Freeview EPG data source that dried up, but has just become live again. A manual connect should bring you up to date again. Currently a search is on for additional sources that will help prevent this happening again, and we have a couple of good leads.
    Yep, sure enough, it's back now. Thank you to whoever's responsible. (What do you need for the data feed? I have a mythtv server that gets the over-the-air EPG data -- happy to figure out how it's stored, munge it as necessary, and pass it on)

  6. #16
    Thank you for those involved in sorting this out

  7. #17
    Hello. I’ve noticed that the guide runs out midnight Saturday. I did a manual connect and although it connected successfully the guide still finishes Saturday. Is there a problem at the moment?

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by A-M Davey View Post
    Hello. I?ve noticed that the guide runs out midnight Saturday. I did a manual connect and although it connected successfully the guide still finishes Saturday. Is there a problem at the moment?

    Same here, except our guide data has already run out. Tried manually sync, before and after a soft and hard reboots.
    Any news from someone in the know?

  9. #19
    This is affecting everyone. It appears the guide source has dried up. I've messaged the people responsible, Hopefully this will be resolved before the current guide ends on Sunday morning or soon after, based on previous experience. Figures crossed.

  10. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Spong View Post
    This is affecting everyone. It appears the guide source has dried up. I've messaged the people responsible, Hopefully this will be resolved before the current guide ends on Sunday morning or soon after, based on previous experience. Figures crossed.
    Thanks Spong - it has been resolved pretty quickly in the past. I’m grateful to the volunteers that keep TiVo alive. I would volunteer but do not have a computer and I am not very tech savvy so I imagine those things are not helpful.

    The only service I can offer is checking the guide is updating regularly but I don’t want to bug the volunteers needlessly.

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