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Thread: Guide Data Low

  1. #1

    Guide Data Low

    I have just forced a phone call and found that the guide data has about 2-3 days left. Presumably the emulator needs a prod!

    As always
    Many thanks in advance.

    P.s. I didn't check all chans but TV1, UKTV and BBC K are low however CUE seems ok. postcode 2112 on two Tivos.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Invercargill NZ
    Same for me. Got 4 and Maori but most of the rest especially Sky are empty.
    TiVo series 1 UK Thomson, Cachecard, 500GB, Sky Digital
    TiVo series 1 USA Philips, Turbonet, 230GB, Freeview Dish TV

  3. #3

    Guide data low

    Yep - same here. In Auckland. So prob not a post code issue. Anyone able to help?


    Philips TiVo Series 1, Turbonet, 1 x 250GB, NZ Emulator - Satellite (Sky Digital)

  4. #4
    Have made a phone call on Sky TiVo. All seems ok there. Running phone call on Freeview TiVo now.

    It looks like the emulator God has done it again.

    Many thanks

  5. #5
    I think I have spoken too soon.
    The guide data has loaded albeit with a gap in Friday's listings. However if live tv / guide is pressed all the channels that had a data problem now show Upcoming before the program title. The result of this is the season passes / wishlists do not work.
    I have tried several Daily Calls and on one TiVo I have tried a Clear Program Data & ToDo List followed by a phone call but now the TiVo hasn't completed the Daily Call following the clear. It is at 93% after 12 hours.
    The other TiVo is in the same state with the only difference being that this one has not had the Clear Prog Data.

    I assume that there is still a bug in the guide data.

  6. #6
    I have just checked both of my machines. They are now ok with season passes/wishlists working correctly. I presume the gap of Friday's data caused the problem.

    As always many thanks to those that sorted this.

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