the 2nd tivo idea is a good one, i might look into in the future, as budget allows.

for the moment, i still have my old topfield masterpiece for those times i really need it, (though it's SD only)

for the time being, ill just continue to run manual programming i guess. the simplest solution as far as i can see.

if i do buy a second tivo, it will live in the lounge room with the 1st one. don't have two tv's. only the one 46" HD LCD.
it has multiple HDMI inputs, so im covered there. don't need the multi room viewing.

i assume i wont have to purchase a second networking package ? or MAK ? though i would have to purchase a network switch for it.
im already running two cat 5 cables across from the PC to the tv. one for the tivo, and one for the PS3. and i dont want to run another

might look into it after tax time.
