Is this a TiVoHD or a S1 ozTiVo?
Hi guys,
to start with i'm in Perth, I'm trying to set up a tivo for my old man, the tivo recognises the network but wont connect to the tivo service. I think i've established i need to open a number of ports in the router's setup. I have the list ports but i don't know what the private ip adddress should be for each port, is it the same for each port? It's a belkin wireless modem/router. I think the router has assigned to the tivo but that doesn't work when i try and enable the ports using this private ip address. Can anyone please help??
Is this a TiVoHD or a S1 ozTiVo?
TiVo Series3 TiVoHD x2
yeah its a tivohd
I doubt you need to open any ports to get the outgoing connectivity to work. Just as you don't need to open any ports for a computer to access the internet. If you were wanting to access your TiVo remotely then thats another story.
What does it say under network diagnostics on the TiVoHD? Is that where you saw the address or did you look in the DHCP table on your router?
Supposing you did have to open ports, you would normally put the IP of the TiVo as the 'internal' address, with the same port number on the internal and external sides. But as I said there is no need to create 'pin hole' 'virtual server' or 'reverse NAT' entries on your router.
If it has a very strict (outgoing traffic) firewall built in, then you might need to allow certain ports to all or to specific IP addresses (unlikely).
Please also confirm was a typo (rather than 192.168...) asd this is not a valid LAN address.
TiVo Series3 TiVoHD x2