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Thread: File transfer troubles

  1. #1

    File transfer troubles

    Hi all,
    I have recently been attempting to transfer some video from my HD Tivo to both my Mac (Using iTivo or Tivo Butler), and my Windows PC using Tivo Desktop. (Yes, I do have the home networking package). In any of the above listed apps I can bring up the list of what is on the Tivo but when I select one to upload nothing happens for a while and I get a message saying 'Tivo Transfer has been interrupted and Tivo Transfer will continue to try to transfer the File selected' (That is on the PC, on the mac using iTivo It just sits there 'Waiting for Tivo' and increasing the download time remaining).
    I have restarted the Tivo using the menu item (Which takes around 10 minutes for some reason!) but to no avail.

    Any suggestions welcome.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    The usual response from TiVo for this is to first restart your TiVo, then your PC.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  3. #3
    Try using the web interface to download a file, ie access https:\\your.tivo.IP.address, with user name "tivo" and password of your media access key. Click on one of the download links and see what error message you get.

    I've had recurring problems with the Tivo rejecting transfer requests due to "too many transfers in progress" which, of course, was not really the case as no transfers were in progress. It appears the Tivo is not cleaning up old transfers correctly in some situations.

    Powering down, ie pulling the power plug out of the back, and then starting the Tivo seemed to fix it. A restart from the menu did not always seem to work.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Im having troubles too. Despite uninstalling and reinstalling the HNP, rebooting PC and TiVO several times:
    - the PC does not reliably show up in now playing (rebboting the PC usually fixes this)
    - the Tivo desktop does not always see the TiVo (rebooting the PC usually fixes this)
    - I try to transfer files and get the interrupted message, or file not available message or even 'where is the tivo' networking message.

    I'm really tired of it. If the HNP is unreliable what use is it?

    Emailoed Tivo three days ago -no reply


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    1. the symptoms you describe sound like networking issues, do you use wireless or wired for the TiVo.

    2. Did you use the TiVo Desktop Cleaner program after uninstalling, but before re-installing?

    3. did you ask for support in a direct email or did you use their support form? direct email support does not work reliably unless you already have an issue number in the subject line.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by petestrash View Post
    1. wireless or wired for the TiVo.

    2. TiVo Desktop Cleaner
    3. did you ask for support in a direct email or did you use their support form
    1. Wired
    2. Didn't use Desktop cleaner, will try it
    3. Support form.



    ps still no reply.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    Have you checked your antivirus is not blocking some of the requests.

    Might be worth looking through your antivirus's log to see if it mentions TiVo, or the Apple bonjour service.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  8. #8
    I recently discovered that when the computer is in use it doesn't stop transfers from the TiVo to my computer (ie No interrupted transfer messages).

    When I'm transferring shows I set my computer to 'never' put the computer to sleep in the control panel/ hardware and sound/ power options.

    Prior to this I was getting the message and the interuptions a number of times per recording. I was only able to rectify this by restarting my computer without quiting 'TiVo Desktop' and then restarting the 'TiVo Desktop', which would then continue transferring the program until it stopped again.

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