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Thread: Seven-Syd - Incorrect Guide Data

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Sydney, NSW

    Seven-Syd - Incorrect Guide Data

    Hey Team,

    I'm using windows Vista Media Centre at home and I can see that for tonight (Wed 16th Dec, 2009) there is incorrect guide data for Seven-Syd channel.

    This happens from time to time and I was wondering if there's anything I can do to correct this and contribute back to the community if I find this incorrect data in the future?

    The problem tonight is this web guide ( says that at 9:30pm the show is "The Take (UK)". Where as in fact it's "Criminal Minds" as listed here: (confirmed by seven's ads during the news tonight also). I've attached screenshots of both the sites in case someone is looking at this after tonight....

    So yeah, I'm not complaining because I'm grateful for having the data in the first place. But it would be nice to know how I can help fix incorrect data as I come across it. Can it be done using the TV Guide web interface? I'm worried I will break something...


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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Sydney, NSW
    Hmmmm... After a dealing with the challenging usability of the web interface I decided to take the plunge and attempt to make the change even though I didn't really know what I was doing... I think I fixed it. But I guess it doesn't update the XMLTV download file.. Not sure how I can get it to regenerate that... What I mean is even though I've updated the guide via the web interface still shows an old version (file is dated 12-Dec-2009 14:53).. Slowing learning but any assistance would be appreciated!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    Sorry I could not answer quicker, I'm stuck in Hospital.

    But you ended you up doing the right thing.

    Looks like Seven pulled the take after only one episode of the series. This was a late change.

    We are a community guide and anyone is welcome to edit data they find incorrect.

    We cannot automate late changes and rely on users to fix the errors.

    We produce XML and TiVo slices once a day, depending on the amount of data and the load of the server it runs about 1-3pm Victorian Time.

    So if a late change is made to the same day's data after that time it will not be changed in the XML.

    If you look at the guide you corrected you will see most of the data is in blue, this data is in the current XML & TiVo Slices. The showing you corrected is in Pink which means it has not been added to the XML & slices (and won't be as it is for yesterday).

    So if you want any changes added to the same day, they need to be done before 1pm EST to be safe.

    The other thing that can be helpful is subscribing to the tvguide mailing list. This is where last minute changes and issues are discussed. Once subscribed it is also good practice to send an email to the list advising of changes you have made to your area, as chances are it has also changed for other cities.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Sydney, NSW

    Thumbs up

    Hey Pete,

    Thanks so much for your reply. Especially considering you're in hospital!

    You've definitely answered all the questions I had. Now that I know how to make the changes and when they need to be done by I will see where I can help out in the future...

    I'll also join the mailing list as well.

    Thanks again.



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