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Thread: Thomson Tivo, No Video... any ideas?

  1. #1

    Thomson Tivo, No Video... any ideas?

    Obviously it's got the SCART interfaces for video. I've had several different SCART leads hooked up to it on 2 different TVs going in to a Composite port on the TV and I've also tried a SCART to Component connection. I know the Thomson is RGB but I should still see some sort of output on the TV if the SCART ports were working shouldn't I? The networking seems to be working absolutely fine, I can see TivoWebPlus and also I can ping external servers when telnetted into the Tivo.

    Does anyone have any ideas what might be my problem (other than the obvious that my video outputs are probably knackered) or can suggest any diagnostics I can run to see better what's going on?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    Hi Ben, is this a new TiVo for you or an old one that has failed?

    Do you get any signal when you first turn the set on?

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  3. #3
    it's a new tivo. Haven't got any signal out of it at all yet. I re-imaged straight away though, never switched it on in it's UK state...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Christchurch, New Zealand
    See if the RF output is working, the TiVo picture should be on a UHF channel.

    TiVo Series3 TiVoHD x2

  5. #5
    I've got picture out but only by connecting with a SCART->SCART lead. Out of interest how do all the other Thomson users here connect their TiVo SCART ports to their TVs/AVRs/etc? I had no luck getting any signal out of a SCART->Composite lead, would be interested to know how others are doing it as it appears my SCART ports are working after all...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    Which input is being used on your TV with the scart to scart lead (RGB, S-Video or CVBS)? It is possible the composite out is dead.

    Does the scart to composite lead you were using have both video input and output RCA's?

    If it does, then some leads a labeled backwards. Video out is labeled as video in, the thinking behind this is that this is where you will be plugging the connector into.

    If it only has input or output composites, then you may have the wrong lead (based on the same issue as above).

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by petestrash View Post
    Which input is being used on your TV with the scart to scart lead (RGB, S-Video or CVBS)? It is possible the composite out is dead.

    Does the scart to composite lead you were using have both video input and output RCA's?
    Well I had some momentary success anyways. My big *** TV has a Half SCART (my understanding it doesn't do RGB/Component, just S-Video or Composite) and a Full SCART. I tried it in both and it worked fine in both. It was obviously better quality in the Full SCART so it seems that both the RGB and the CVBS are working ok from the TiVo. I went into the SCART menu on the Tivo though and set it so that it just does what it terms "PAL" and not RGB. I have no idea what exactly it's outputting when it says "PAL" but I went for the PAL in and out options and turned off all the TV or Video control via SCART. I then plugged in a SCART to Composite lead with the Composite end going to a different input on my big *** TV. This time it worked. However when I took it upstairs to the TV it's destined for, no dice. Now my TV upstairs sucks so I'll try yet another different one I have lying around and see if I can get it to work on that.

    It seems though that my TiVo is at least outputting video but I just need to fiddle and get it to work properly.

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