I read this thread a while ago and decided to load a cron job reboot at 4am every day as well. The Tivo has been running flawlessly ever since.

However, sometimes my guide data isn't fully indexed and programs aren't being found by my wishlists. Forcing an index fixes this problem. Thus I'm wondering if my Tivo decides to do a daily call at say 3:45am and then the cron job reboots it (while it's still indexing) then does the indexing ever get completed? (ie. after rebooting)

Is it possible to load a cron job that will only reboot the tivo if it's not indexing?

Thanks in advance, Jeremy.

P.S. I got my first tivo a few months ago and love it so much I have two more on the way from the States :-) Keep up the great work fellas!