I've gotten myself into a bit of a pickle using nic_config_tivo & trying to set up a wireless bridge - Needing help if possible please!

I've had a look through the help files on oztivo and can't seem to find what I'm after -
I originally had my TiVo configuration set up for DHCP - but in my quest to try getting the bridge & router playing nicely with it; I've changed the settings:
I followed some instructions from a post on the netgear forums and have changed the network configuration of tivo via nic_config_tivo;
to an IP address of with a subnet of and gateway of

Now I can't connect to tivo whatsoever - TiVo is still working fine but I can't access tivoweb or telnet to it either. (I've got it connected as it was via ethernet directly to the router)

Any way to reverse my bad and get it back to DHCP?

Any help hugely appreciated.
