
Firstly, thanks to darren who so generlously helped me over the weekend by fixing my tivo. I really appreciate all the help you gave to me. I have been at this since saturday and have tried a heap of things in the mailing list but im having no luck with it at all

Once I have finished the guided installation, It says leave you tivo for 4-8 hrs. When i hit select it comes up with the information bar asking me to make a call to get more guide data. I thought that was part of indexing so i left it for a whole 24 hrs. After that, still no guide data. Well since then i have asked it to call several times and each times it stays at setting clock for 5-10 mins then it say getting guide data. and completes. I am using a serial connection or this set at 57600 and PPP is set on the tivo as well. The weird thing is when doing the guided install, if i try to use the ,#257 code it fails but when i change it to 401 it's fine. Also the serial link between my tivo and the PC is always on. Now i have tried fixing the warped time as well and looked for errors in the tvlog but i cant see anything wrong with it. Another point is that when inb the phone connection, the 'program guide data to' is listed as none available. when it finishes redialling it says that it has succeeded but the program guide data is still listed as none available. I am stumped and really dont now what to do here. Is there anyone who has had this issue?

Under live tv it just says Daily call required.

Btw i have already tried doing the guided setip again and this has proved fruitless. I have tried clearing any possible guide data and getting it downloaded again by forcing a dial bak with no luck at all. Anyone with suggestions? Have i missed something?
