I'm keen to have a crack at setting up an emulator.....
could you point me in the right direction I'll have a go and see what I can do

If you have some links to how to setup an emulator, or how to get the guide data Ill have a go.

Cool! Well unfortunately I dont know jack about the emulator but Jaidev is a bit of an authority and Ed can help you out too. Seriously this would be good to document on the new wiki (just about there.. www.nztivo.net).
I'm sure oztivo archives probably have some good info and no doubt there are webpages documenting it all. buzz jaidev for this he should be able to get you started..

There was some mention a while ago about setting up a guide data website, may be an option to allow certain members to go in, add to the guide data, ensure it's accuracy as much as possible, and then create a tivo slice????
Probably another one of my undelivered promises, lol. Or oztivo.. lol.
Sounds like ideas for the new system, hehe. It'd be great if anyone could grab the data needed to make a slice, then we could have a few guys with emulators all making slices and the rest of the masses can just take their pick as to what emulator they want to connect to..