I have 2 tivos 160GIG and one with 1T expander drive

they have now both just come out of warranty.

Both working OK.

Tivos have HDD which one day will fail. With the Tivo series 1 you got a new HDD and reformated and you are away (after loading the backup of your season passes)

With the Series 3 I am worried that when the HDD does die then I have a brick. and have to go out and then buy another FULL unit.

Should I be doing some preventative work while working OK.

1) backup both HDD with WINMFS


2) Get two new drives and copy to these... and then put some where safe.

What are the complication with the Tivo that has the 1T expander.. should I be removing it first and rebooting the Tivo before running WinMFS ?

This way when the HDD does DIE I dont have a BRICK.

I assume tivo AUS dont repair TIVOS
