OK. My current connection is:
ONE STB connected to the inputs of the TIVO
Outputs of the TIVO connected to the TV
Network Card attached to the TIVO mobo and has network cable connect to a second network port in my ADSL modem/router

I can see the Guided Setup on the TV but I seem to be stuck on "First Setup Call" screen as I am getting a "failed. Service Unavailable message".

Any ideas?

I looked at the network card that I have connected and it has got both the networks lights on but not blinking when I turn on TIVO. Is this suppose to be normal given that I have seen network lights from a PC network card blinking?

Also when I imaged my hard drive in the "network" option on the Menu I just kept pressing enter key until the end and not type/update any settings along the 'wizard' options thinking my TIVO setup is typical and default settings have been used. Is this correct at all?
