
My dad just got one of those new Austar boxes delivered that is incompatible with Tivo so what we did was talk one of the older Austar boxes from another room and hook it up to the TIVO.

I put it into guided setup mode and scrolled through IR codes to see what worked.

The AUSTAR box doesnt have big brand on it, but its called ADVANCED DIGITAL BROADCAST LIMITED on the back of the box.

Accordingly I tried ADB codes and AUSTAR codes.

The only one that vaguely worked was the AUSTAR 30017 code which I think was for the old ATLAS box.

Now when I say vaguely worked, not any of the speeds would reliably get the channel changed. Medium was the closest, but did not work about 30% of the time.

We mucked around with covering the IR blasters with tape to see if they were interfering. We also tried putting things like playing cards between the blaster and the sensor on the STB as we found that when we had our hand cover the sensor on the STB it actually worked more reliably?!?

It still only picking up 50% of channel changes, and the playing card and tape looks all to precarious. It aint gonna last.

Any ideas? I need to leave town in a few days and Dad wont let me leave without fixing it!

Any ides appreciated.
