
I've recently been (cough) upgraded (cough) to a Flinders, which I know is causing everyone fun with IR codes. As I wanted to play along, I captured a set of working codes using my Palm (works fine from OmniRemote) as I saw others had tried with various learning remotes. Converted the codes using the website listed in the IRCodes wiki, and uploaded the file into the database.

However, when I try and test the new codes, or setting the box to use the codes using dbset, the TiVo reboots as soon as it tries to send a code. If I've used dbset, I get just enough time to configure to another code before the reboot, if I do it through the setup screens, it reboots as soon as I try and use the uploaded code (no matter if the code is set to 29997, or 30016, the two I've tried). This also happens with any of the code sets listed here already in the couple of Flinders relevant topics.

So, looking for clues as to this behaviour, as it's making it hard to test out the codes I've captured. I'm also more than willing to add the codes I've caught to here for comparison (I do recall I had to try various frequencies to get it to work on the Palm, but I don't have the final frequency to hand right now, will add it on to this topic tomorrow).

Thanks for your thoughts.