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Thread: Time to get my UK Tivo re-connected...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Smile Time to get my UK Tivo re-connected...

    Hello all,

    After spending 4 years living in the UK and using my fantastic Tivo while there, I returned to NZ 2 years ago with my Tivo which stayed stowed away in my "geeks techo museum" after realising it was (back then) too hard for me to put the Tivo to good use in NZ. But recently my wife stumbled across the FFWD article, and now I am planning my first Tivo mod.

    I have ordered the TurboNet card and 2 x 120G HD's are on the way... I can't wait!!!

    I have a question:

    Am I best to re-image my UK Tivo with the Oz UK 2.5.5 or the Oz US 3.0 image?
    Does it matter? I have read mixed reports in the forums and mailing lists about this

    I am planning on using my Tivo with Saturn cable

    My linux skills are a bit rusty, but the Tivo is great motivation for me to improve these!!

    Thanks in advance to the NZ emulator team!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Wellington, NZ
    Quote Originally Posted by tarx
    Am I best to re-image my UK Tivo with the Oz UK 2.5.5 or the Oz US 3.0 image? I am planning on using my Tivo with Saturn
    Disclaimer: My personal opinion only...

    Honestly... if you are not interested in using the Tuner in it then you may be better off selling it on TradeMe (should get NZ$600) and purchase a cheaper US model ($US90+$US85shipping ~ NZ$280). Then you can run a standard 3.0/Emulator image and use S-Video rather than fiddling around with SCART.

    I have no experience in the matter, but it think that the 3.0 image will work okay on a UK system, and there is a UK 3.0 palmod version in the OzTivo Uploads section. I am unsure if the 2.5.5 software will connect to an emulator.

    But again, if you do not wish to use the Tuner then you may like to subsidise the harddrive and network purchase by selling the UK system ($500 reserve) up on TradeMe. It will sell.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    Thanks for the reply.

    Through a bit of my own research and experimentation, I have ended up running the OzTivo 3.0 image on my UK Thomson Tivo. The main reason to do this was I dont know if the NZ emulator guided setup would work with the UK 2.5.5 image. There is no documented guided guided setups for hacked UK 2.5.5 images in Oz? Can someone confirm this?

    Re selling my UK Thomson unit - yeah tempting but I am kinda attached to it after having this long and dont want to create too much more work for myself configuring a new unit - Im already in trouble with the mrs's with the amount of time spent playing with gadgets

    Cheers, Gabe

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    SCART input option problem

    I'm most of the way thru setting up a UK model, but it can't see any signal in any of the inputs.... It doesn't show that is trying to read via SCART, but I thoght one of the other options might have worked... Any clues?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    I thought OzTiVo 3.0r1.4 was pretty much plug & play on the UK TiVo's as well.

    But you may have to change the connector number for your source in the MFS to get a picture.

    assuming you have tivoweb up and going


    Then click on the hyperlink next to 'source =' and post the results back here.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    I ran the OzTivo 1.3 & 1.4 images on my UK Tivo for a few months which worked quite well, but I found my Tivo would freeze up about once a week. I decided to rebuild the Tivo using the UK image on OzTivo (2.5.5) and set up the source, headends etc and loadguide manually (with quite a lot of undocumented experimentation was required). My UK Tivo has been running absolutely rock solid since then.

    I am have my headends setup for Telstra Saturn and have an image and a briefly documented setup process if they help?

    Cheers, tarx

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by petestrash
    I thought OzTiVo 3.0r1.4 was pretty much plug & play on the UK TiVo's as well. But you may have to change the connector number for your source in the MFS to get a picture.
    Nope. Last time I tried it worked OK.
    Darren King
    OzTiVo Repairs and Modifications
    If your TiVo requires repairs or modifications
    then visit:


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Still learning

    Quote Originally Posted by tarx

    I am have my headends setup for Telstra Saturn and have an image and a briefly documented setup process if they help?

    Cheers, tarx
    Yes, please post, or email what you have learnt. I have the VCR input working ok, but had trouble trying to get the ir blaster to drive the Sony video.

    I want to use the tuner, There seems to be various version of the palmod thing around, the one on the oz image, a NZ version, and a newer one again on the OX site available for download. The changes I made with the standard installed one didn't seem to stick when I tried to use the fine tuning options, although I'm not certain I know the frequencies I am aiming for.

    I would like to use the NZ listings that seem pretty good, and am tinkering now withhow to change the headend side here.

    I still don't really understand where this information is stored and how it ties in with the slices, Are there any diagrams out there they explain what is where and what looks at what to do what it does?

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