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Thread: Telstra Saturn Cable, GS Problems and a 'Jerrold Impulse 550?'

  1. #1

    Telstra Saturn Cable, GS Problems and a 'Jerrold Impulse 550?'


    I'm setting up another Tivo for a mate. I'm in Auckland, and he's in Wellington, hence the difficulties confirming exactly what he's likely to need to get it all sorted. Got a 200Gb seagate drive, ethernet etc. and the latest oztivo image (ozTiVo_installer_HDRX12-20050524.iso)

    According to him, he's got a Jerrold Impuls 550 set top box. I'm not sure what that is, and can't find much mention of it. There is an entry for 'Jerrold' in the GS menu, but no detail as to the model numbers. Any other suggestions? Has anyone seen/used this combination before?

    I've tried running GS against orac (:80) with zip 02115 (or 02116) and there never seems to be any providers matching my location - it just doesn't seem to know about TelstraClearSaturnWhatever cable.

    I've tried running it against orac:8000, but it bombs out on importing the slice(s). Any suggestions?

    What's the latest on Saturn Cable headends? Should they work?

    Cheers -

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Try under "General Intruments" or "GI".

    Oh and 20050524 is no longer the latest image. That is now R1.5 20051128.
    Darren King
    OzTiVo Repairs and Modifications
    If your TiVo requires repairs or modifications
    then visit:


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    It's still Auckland Saturn/Cable (whatever it is relating to Auckland) for the provider in Wellington (02115).

    I never had a Jerrold using TiVo but I know the model he's talking about. They only have the one audio RCA on the back. I asked Saturn to swap out mine for a newer (General Intrument) one because I wanted the left and right audio. Sorry, I can't confirm what model to choose in GS.

    Last week I ran a fresh GS from 8000 and 80 with no bombing out so not sure what's happening there. (I'm still on 1.3 release 1)

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Darren King
    Try under "General Intruments" or "GI".

    Oh and 20050524 is no longer the latest image. That is now R1.5 20051128.
    Thanx for that. Managed to find 20051128, and am downloading it now.

    Will try either GI, or the 'Jerrold' settings. Hopefully one of them will work.

    Cheers -

  5. #5
    Progress being made at last. Well, after having this particular model sitting around for a long long long time, I think I've found the final problem (or rather, the original show stopping problem...)

    The power connecter between the power supply and the hard drives had a couple of connectors that were a little loose. Crimping these all up a bit seems to ensure a tighter fit, and more reliable startup.

    Will get onto GS tomorrow, and see if I can make sense of the rest of it.

    Cheers -

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