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Thread: image blinking in tivo. any help?

  1. #1

    image blinking in tivo

    I just bought a tivo from this forum and with the help of the great manuals here I got it working but now I have a problem. The problem is that most of the time the image of the tivo blinks in a very small fractionn of the second. So although it is wachable the blink is annoying specially when the camera is chaniging of position(it looks like going frame by frame by frame) or while waching the break news bar menu of CNN
    Do you have any suggestion why is this happening to me?
    here is my tivo:

    Philips Series 1 PTV-300 DVR
    - Running ozTivo Image (HDRX12-20050524)
    - 60GB Drive
    - PAL MOD (can pick up AUS free to air)
    - A/V MOD
    - Network / Cache Card with 512MB cache
    - 2xRemote Controls
    - 2xHD chassie (one in use on 60GB drive)
    - Cables (including the Tivo serial connection cable)

    could it have to do with the hard drive, with the image, the cache card?
    should I re-image to the latest image?

    any suggestion would be greatly appreciated
    Last edited by basque; 14-01-2006 at 04:27 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    It sounds like you are still in guided setup mode. The effect is usually called "jitter" in the various tutorials.

    If a couple of reboots haven't fixed it, you may need to set it manually.

    The easiest way to do this is though tivoweb. Type into a browser, where the xxx's are the IP address of your TiVo.

    You should get a screen with a message that tells you the "TiVo set to PAL mode. Please reboot for change to take effect".

    Reboot now and it should be fixed.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  3. #3
    thanks a lot Peter no jittering now!
    I had restarted a lot of times, repeteaded guided setup, have erased the hard drive stuff a couple of times and didnt work and now is working!

    very appreciated

  4. #4
    thanks a lot Peter no jittering now!
    I had restarted a lot of times, repeteaded guided setup, have erased the hard drive stuff a couple of times and didnt work and now is working!

    very appreciated

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