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Thread: Wireless Bridge & TiVo

  1. #1

    Wireless Bridge & TiVo

    Hi -
    I just bought myself a Netgear ME101 Wireless bridge to connect up to my TiVo at home. - I currently have a wireless network running on a Netgear DG834G - I've managed to configure the wireless bridge and have it plugged into TiVo - Problem is I cannot log into TiVoWeb or telnet as before when I had TiVo connected directly to my DG834G via ethernet.

    Now when I type the LAN IP address of TiVo - it comes up with the ME101 configuration page instead - any ideas on how I get past it and onto TiVoWeb?

    Any help would be hugely appreciated.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Wellington, NZ
    Check there's no clash of mac addresses (your bridge, and your tivo) if they are ok then perhaps you have the tivo IP set to use the same IP as the internal page on your bridge.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by zollymonsta
    Check there's no clash of mac addresses (your bridge, and your tivo) if they are ok then perhaps you have the tivo IP set to use the same IP as the internal page on your bridge.

    So the IP address of the bridge and TiVo need to be different? (Their mac addresses are different)

    - my networking skills aren't terrific - but i've configured my wireless DG834G router to use address reservation for each of my devices.
    (at the moment I have the Bridge set to (I initially set it to - but that's where my problem started) and TiVo to as it was prior to adding the bridge to the mix - but no love from TiVo...))


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    have you definately set the TiVo to use a fixed IP.

    It may have always used, but was recieving this via DHCP from your router. It's possible it has now recieved a different IP or cannot contact DHCP at all.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005


    did you ever get this sorted ?

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