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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Wellington, NZ

    Tivo POP3 Client

    For those that may be interested in such a facility.

    TivoCommunity was the home of the original version, so if you wish to follow the progress of the module then you may wish to follow the Tivo POP3 Client (TPOP) thread.

    The following is the README from the file:

    Changes from version 1.1
    This version now supports custom commands whereby the user can create a
    script to perform an action when a message is received. There are two
    "variables" available to these custom commands. They are $FROM and $SUBJ.

    An example script ( that displays a message (via newtext2osd)
    has been included. To use it you need to place the following line in
    your tpopd.conf:

    custom /var/hack/TivoPOP/ '$FROM' '$SUBJ'

    Changes from version 1.0
    This version will look for the tpopd.conf file in the same directory as the
    tpopd.tcl executable unless the command line parameter is used to override

    A maximum message size has been introduced. The default is 30,000 bytes and
    if a message exists on the server which is larger than this, then only the
    first 48 lines will be downloaded.

    To stop the daemon nicely you can create a file called tpopd.stop in the same
    directory as the executable (this will be checked at least once a minute, and
    be removed once the daemon exits).

    If the "delete" option is set to "false", then the daemon will keep track of
    the last message it downloaded so that it does not need to download it again.
    This will save on bandwidth.

    Any message whose subject starts with 'TPOP' will be removed from the server
    no matter what the "delete" option has been set to. This allows you to send
    messages specifically for the TiVo, even if "delete" is set at false.

    If the "onlyTPOP" option is set to "true" (and "delete" is set to "false"),
    then only messages whose Subjects start with 'TPOP' will be picked up by the
    TiVo. This allows your TiVo to share your ISP email account

    A high priority/important message should show as that on the TiVo.

    Message identifiers with mixed case are supported.

    Description of the files

    The script that acts as a daemon, periodically checking for new messages.

    Which saves the settings you use, and the current mailbox state
    (so that it doesn't import the same message twice)

    Download, and put in a directory you can write to (like /var/hack/bin).
    Make it executable, with "chmod 755 tpopd.tcl"
    Run tpopd.tcl with the command-line options and --save, or edit tpopd.conf
    to include the values you want.

    Start it from /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit with the line "/var/hack/bin/tpopd.tcl"
    or "/location/tpopd.tcl -c /location/tpopd.conf"

    Tivo 3.0 isn't set up to do name resolution by default, so you'll have to put
    an IP address in place of the server name (eg for Paradise).

    Official Help
    tpopd.tcl - Tivo(TM) POP3 Client Daemon

    tpopd.tcl [{-h|--help}] [{-d|--display}] [{-S|--save}]
    [{-c|--config-file} filename] [{s|--server} servername]
    [{-P|--port} tcpport] [{-u|--user} username]
    [{-p|--pass} password] [{-i|--interval} time] [{-o|-onlyTPOP}]
    [{-d|--delete}] [{-m|--maxsize} size] [{-t|--trace} file]

    The tpopd.tcl command launches a POP3 client that runs in the background
    periodically checking your mail server and transferring new messages
    into Tivo Messages. Options specified in the config file override
    default values, and options specified in the command line override options
    in the config file.

    {-h|--help} Display this screen and terminate. (Ignores all other

    {-c|--config-file} filename
    Specify where to find the config file. If this option is
    left out, tpopd.tcl looks for a file named tpopd.conf in
    the same directory as it.

    {-d|--display} Display a list of the options currently in effect, then
    terminate. (Evaluates config file and command line.)

    {-S|--save} Overwrite the config file with options specified on the
    command line.

    {-s|--server} servername
    Use servername as the mail server to connect to. Defaults
    to localhost.

    {-P|--port} tcpport
    Specify the tcp port number to connect to at the
    mailserver. Default is the standard POP3 port 110.

    {-u|--user} username
    Specify what to use as the POP3 username. Default is

    {-p|pass} password
    Specify the password for the mail account.
    *WARNING* tpopd.tcl saves this password and transmits this
    password in plain text.

    {-i|--interval} time
    Specify the amount of time, in seconds, between when
    tpopd.tcl finishes checking the server, and when it should
    start again. Defaults to 600 = 10 minutes.

    {-m|--maxsize} size}
    Provide an upper limit on the size of messages to download.
    Defaults to 30000. Note: large messages can cause the Tivo
    to reboot.

    Only download messages whose subjects start with TPOP.

    {-D|--delete} Delete messages from the mail server

    tpopd.tcl -c /etc/tpopd.conf
    tpopd.tcl -s -u myname -p mypass --save


    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by thomson; 26-04-2005 at 05:13 PM. Reason: New Version (1.2)

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