> Hi all,
>I've just bought a TiVo from eBay (this one, in fact: >http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dl...item=5755667355) and it's on its way >along with a remote from George. A couple of quick questions I couldn't find >the answers to:
I notice that it's supplied with a power cord only (not much use for Australia/NZ). Before you can get started, you're going to need at least a remote control and IR blaster (available from George at Eksys) and also a serial cable to be able to configure it via telnet from your pc. These are minimum really.
>1. My current setup doesn't allow for guide data at all - I have no phone >outlets convenient, my computer is at the other end of the house, no >wireless network (yet). Will the TiVo work just fine without it, and more to >the point will it do so straight out of the box, ie without the OzTiVo image?
I doubt it will run straight out of the box, in fact, no it wont. The image on the drive will be the original USA image (NTSC). You'll need to load the Oztivo image onto the drive to get PAL tv standard out of it, plus to get it working over this side of the world.
The TiVo needs a daily call to keep it happy, otherwise it will grizzle (and most likely stop working altogether). This can be done by adding a command to the crontab file to 'touch' a certain file once a day. I can't remember offhand what the command is (I'm now running off the NZ emulator) but will have a hunt for the details for you.
You'll also need to load a nonag file to stop it from nagging you about lack of guide data (is there one for aussie?) I take it you will be using it with a set top box for PayTV or similar (you don't mention this).
Of course, until you have a network card (unless you can get the serial connection to your PC to work for connecting to the emulator) probably need to use the internal modem to run guided setup (and connect to the emulator) first time.
>2. Once I get the wireless network set up in a couple of weeks, I'm guessing >I'll need the cache card as well as the 802.11b Wireless Ethernet Adapter >from eksys.com - is this correct?
You should only need one or the other.
Cache Card is a network card (wired) with slots for additional memory
The 802.11b Wireless Ethernet Adapter (airnet) is a wireless network card.
They're both network cards. The only difference being the CacheCard allows you to add extra memory to speed up the menus on Tivo (Particuarly the Now Showing Menu).
Downside of a wireless network card is with extracting video files off the tivo to your PC will be slower than a wired network card.
George appears to only get Airnets in now when ordered so there could be a delay with an order for an airnet card.
I hope this has helped a bit![]()