Hello, looking at getting a TiVo from eksys soon and just wondering if I could ask a couple of questions. I apologise in advance if I’m repeating questions that have been answered before and I missed them.

1) Do I still need to get a serial cable if I’m going to be connecting via Ethernet? Is one required at any stage during the set up process?
2) What’s the difference between a dual head and single head IR blaster? And I read that one comes with the TiVo from eksys so is there a need to buy another one?
3) Are there IR codes available for a UEC Foxtel Digital STB?
4) Can you transfer any files over to the TiVO? Thinking about putting 2 hard drives in and using some of the space to store some backups from my main PC which is full.

Big thank you in advance to any help anyone can provide.