I'm in Brisbane, QLD and I see the guide data for 10 Bold, but it is mapped to channel 1. But channel 12 is actually 10 Bold on the TivoHD. I had to manually set a recording for channel 12 to watch something on 10 Bold.
This is also happening with regional WA... Can this be fixed please?
I've added the details to the thread https://forums.oztivo.net/showthread...9662#post19662
Last edited by cashie; 24-09-2021 at 08:13 PM.
I'm in Brisbane, QLD and I see the guide data for 10 Bold, but it is mapped to channel 1. But channel 12 is actually 10 Bold on the TivoHD. I had to manually set a recording for channel 12 to watch something on 10 Bold.
Hate to be a nuisance, but similar issues in the Sunshine Coast:
Ch 50 (10) shows as 9HD
Ch 52 (10 Peach) showing as ONE HD
Ch 81 (9 GEM) showing GO ONE
Ch 90 (9HD) showing GEM
More annoyingly channel 32 SBS World Movies has vanished completely and can't even be recorded manually.
Channel 7 in the bendigo area has made a line up change. Is it possible to get guide data changed for this area.
60 7HD Bendigo. New
61 7 Bendigo. New
62 7 TWO
63 7 mate. No longer broadcasting
64 7 mate. New replaced 63
65 7 bravo. No longer broadcasting
66 7 flix. Can't watch because of audio issues
66 ishoptv. No longer broadcasting
67 ishoptv new. Can't watch because of audio issues
68 Racing. Can't watch because of audio issues
I have raised about the audio issue some time ago but was advised there was no solution. I will remove these channels from my tivo (7 flix is the only one I'd like but the English track won't play).
Can you help with the guides for 60, 61 and 64 please
I just came here to checkout the same thing. In Brisbane, no EPG on 74 (7Mate), 75 (7Bravo), and 96 (9Rush).
So does this mean the guide is no longer being maintained? I would love to help as I have some coding experience. Will hate to see this project die.
I'm not into TiVo anymore, but pop in every now and then to keep a lid on the SPAM posts.
Have you looked to see if the guide data for your area is available @ tvguide.pl?
If you have not registered, you may need to register here first to get access.
And maybe send David Keegel a PM on here as he has volunteered to maintain the OzTiVo headend.
I see some fabulous person has put the epg for 7 mate back however for me, in far south New South Wales it has gone back on 63 7 mate which actually has nothing behind it and there is no epg displaying for 64 7 mate hd where all the programs are. This is a usable channel; the audio fixed works but the epg is not reflected. Anyone?
I can't add new channels into the OzTiVo headend. I have some rough instructions from a few years ago which are supposed to say how to do it, but there are missing pieces that I don't know where to find, and bits I am not sure about. We also don't have a working test environment so if I try changing things to experiment, I could break guide data for everyone in Australia.
If you want to move guide data from one channel which has guide data to another channel which already has guide data, I can help with that in the way I dealt with SCA and WIN swapping channels in 2021 (the channel names & logos will be wrong). But for a channel which currently has no guide data, then you are out of luck unless someone magically finds a solution for a problem I haven't been able to solve in the last 3 years or so.