After spending time searching through TiVo Community posts, I discovered the following browser based method for transferring files from the TiVo to the PC.
After running pytivo, the URL http://localhost:9032/TiVoConnect?Command=NPL&Container=ToGo&TiVo=<my TiVo's IP address> produces a webpage headed "pyTivo / Pull from DVR-xxxx"
It has options at the bottom of the page for
Decrypt with tivo-libre
Save metadata to .txt
Transfer as mpeg-ts
After transfer with the "Decrypt with tivo-libre" option checked, a .mpg file of the TiVo recording appears in the target PC directory specified previously in pytivo Desktop settings. The .mpg file produces audio but no video in Windows Media Player (WMP) but works perfectly when opened with VLC.
The "localhost" URL works but it's a bit clunky. There is no progress indicator for the transfer. The only indication is a green bar below the selected program showing "Transfering - xx.xx Mb/s y.yyy GB" and a Stop_Transfer link.
Encouraged by finally being able to transfer and view the TiVo file on the PC, I explored further and realised that there is also a "Decrypt with tivo-libre" option in the pytivo Desktop settings. With that checked, the pytivo Desktop transfer outputs a .ts file to the target folder on the PC. The .ts file works perfectly with VLC but WMP won't open it.
During the transfer, the Download Queue dialog box in pytivo Desktop still doesn't show the progress bar completing to 100%.
I'm pleased that I'm finally able to use pytivo Desktop to transfer and view the programs. Is there any good reference site for instructions about using pytivo Desktop? In TiVo Community there's a lot of discussion about the use of different Transfer format for OTA (Free to Air?) or cable sourced programs, so I've assumed that the Transport Stream is the correct option with programs recorded from broadcast TV in Australia - or does it depend on the format that is set in the TiVo for recording?