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Thread: Sale Victoria 3850 Tv Guide Many Issues & Suggestion Recordings & New And Repeat.

  1. #1

    Sale Victoria 3850 Tv Guide Many Issues & Suggestion Recordings & New And Repeat.

    Hi Guys,

    Have had my tivo back since before Christmas after Darren did a wonderful job in modding my tivo , A true asset to the oz tivo community.

    I have a guide issue with most channels as I'm in a regional area (3850 / 3851) the guide is That of the city of Melbourne indeed (3000)
    As An Example i'm missing Family feud on eleven here (Melbourne has it on channel 10 not eleven and our channel 10 is WinHD showing the repeat the following morning).. so the guide is incorrect some of the time on various programming on near all channels (local News and different time slots ect).
    7Flix Has No Tv Guide at all.

    Is there another postcode that can be used other than metro to have the guide close to what it should be?

    One other thing I have noticed is only 1 suggestion has recorded since set up the unit and guide has been updated daily since the 22nd Dec is when i loaded guide and since has not recorded any except one program , I'm assuming this is due to the chip process or the guide info that this no longer works.

    And lastly I have also noticed when I choose record new episodes it still most of the time records old and new , it cannot tell between the 2 options and just records everything.

    Hopefully these will be ironed out down the track or any reply to fix these issues would be fantastic.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Melbourne, Victoria
    Firstly, the postcode that you use for Guided Setup will not make any difference at all to the guide info you receive from oztivo. (It is possible that it might in future, but not in the short term, and if we did change that in future did we would probably change to state based guide info rather than the current Australia wide guide info. Yes I know you can't see guide info for other regions on your tivo, that's because your tivo only shows you guide info for channels you actually receive.)

    Secondly, Gippsland (and many other places) should have more accurate guide info (including for Win) now than it did a week ago, so please check again. If you can tell us things like "the guide says on 31 Dec at 6pm Win is showing Family Feud, but what actually appeared at 6pm on Win was WIN News." that would help.

    I am surprised you have no guide info for 7flix, we do have a channel S3-Gippsland-7flix on the oztivo mothership which has guide data. Perhaps we have the wrong TivoID recorded for that channel. To check if that's the problem (and give us a path to rectify if it is), could you telnet or ssh to your tivo and type "/hack/bin/station_debug.tcl | grep -A 1 -i flix" when you see a prompt like "S3-tivo/hack $ ". It should produce 2 lines of output, like this:
    01/01:03:29:49: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl:  Channel:76, Name:7flix, TransportID:1283 
    01/01:03:29:49: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl:  /StationTms/10006874:3c2407 /Server/340417753
    . If you tell us the final number (in my example, 340417753) that is the TivoID used for 7flix on your tivo (and presumably all the other tivos in Gippsland), which is what I need to know.

    I don't think we have set up anything about suggestions at oztivo. I don't think that is likely to happen in the foreseeable future.

    Currently the guide data we can easily get does not distinguish between first-run and repeat, so everything looks like a repeat (unless someone manually flags a showing as first run). It would be good if we could improve this, but at the moment trying to get episode information into the guide is a higher priority.

  3. #3
    Hi Guys,
    Thanks for your answers which has ironed out some of them.
    7Flix still has no guide and clearly says "To Be Announced" and has since the 22rd of December.
    On my fetch it has a guide for 7Flix.
    As for Family Feud (Repeats At The Moment) For example it's on Tuesday night at 6.00pm 02/01 /18 on Eleven (Showing on the fetch Guide) but on the tivo it does not show it at all , and in it's place is Fraiser at 5.30 & 6.00 Pm followed by everybody loves raymond at 6.30pm and 7.00pm , on the fetch it has Fraiser at 5.30 , family feud at 6.00pm and then the same as per tivo.
    On The Melbourne tv Guide its the same as the tivo, gippsland guide as per the fetch , even though you explained its not the melbourne guide it's showing that it is by my guide on eleven thus far because they don't air family feud on eleven , That's what i see anyway.

    They maybe other shows i did see that had the same issuse as family feud but will let you know when i come across them again

    Thankyou for the reasons for the first run and repeats and suggestions.

    Will get back to you on the 7Flix that you requested.
    Last edited by levidog; 01-01-2018 at 08:38 PM.

  4. #4
    Hi Guys,
    Thanks for your answers which has ironed out some of them.
    7Flix still has no guide and clearly says "To Be Announced" and has since the 22rd of December.
    On my fetch it has a guide for 7Flix.
    As for Family Feud For example it's on Tuesday night at 6.00pm on Eleven (Showing on the fetch Guide) but on the tivo it does not show it at all , and in it's place is Fraiser at 5.30 & 6.00 Pm followed by everybody loves raymond at 6.30pm and 7.00pm , on the fetch it has Fraiser at 5.30 , family feud at 6.00pm and then the same as per tivo.
    On The Melbourne tv Guide its the same as the tivo, gippsland guide as per the fetch , even though you explained its not the melbourne guide it's showing that it is by my guide on eleven thus far because they don't air family feud on eleven , That's what i see anyway.

    They maybe other shows i did see that had the same issuse as family feud but will let you know when i come across them again

    Thankyou for the reasons for the first run and repeats and suggestions.

    Will get back to you on the 7Flix issue that you requested but being new to the tivo world of commands ect what is telnet and or ssh , found telnet on pc but i'm assuming you want this done on the tivo? sorry have not done this before.
    Last edited by levidog; 01-01-2018 at 08:50 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Melbourne, Victoria
    Please see
    You use a PC or similar to connect into your tivo, so you might be able to use a telnet program on your PC rather than putty which is suggested in the twiki link.

    If it is easy for you to copy & paste 50-100 lines of text, then it would be good if you could show us the output of
    without the "| grep ..." part which limits the output.

    I manually fixed Family Feud for S3-Gippsland-WIN at 6pm Tuesday, but Wed and Thur already looked right.

    Quote Originally Posted by levidog View Post
    Will get back to you on the 7Flix issue that you requested but being new to the tivo world of commands ect what is telnet and or ssh , found telnet on pc but i'm assuming you want this done on the tivo? sorry have not done this before.

  6. #6

    Managed to get the info that i hope you require.

    S3-tivo/hack $ /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl
    digging through stations, this takes a while...
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: Channel:2, Name:ABC, TransportID:563
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: /StationTms/10002337:27fa6a /Server/120868382
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: Channel:3, Name:SBS, TransportID:880
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: /StationTms/10002996:27f870 /Server/143361125
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: Channel:5, Name:Nine, TransportID:2049
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: /StationTms/10002374:27f788 /Server/120868465
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: Channel:6, Name:PRIME7, TransportID:2461
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: /StationTms/10002765:27f7cc /Server/128225420
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: Channel:8, Name:WIN, TransportID:12925
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: /StationTms/10002455:27f7eb /Server/120868657
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: Channel:20, Name:{ABC HD}, TransportID:563
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: /StationTms/10007169:27fa22 /Server/364503526
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: Channel:21, Name:ABC, TransportID:563
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: NO STATION
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: Channel:22, Name:ABC2/KIDS, TransportID:563
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: /StationTms/10002339:27fa6b /Server/120868384
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: Channel:23, Name:{ABC ME}, TransportID:563
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: /StationTms/10004838:27f8ad /Server/156323044
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: Channel:24, Name:{ABC NEWS}, TransportID:563
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: /StationTms/10002338:27fa69 /Server/120868379
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: Channel:30, Name:{SBS HD}, TransportID:880
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: /StationTms/10002997:27f872 /Server/143361127
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: Channel:31, Name:{SBS VICELA}, TransportID:880
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: /StationTms/10007221:27fa46 /Server/370553371
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: Channel:32, Name:{SBS VICELA}, TransportID:880
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: /StationTms/10002998:27f871 /Server/143361126
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: Channel:33, Name:{Food Net}, TransportID:880
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: /StationTms/10005582:27f8d0 /Server/162587741
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: Channel:34, Name:NITV, TransportID:880
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: /StationTms/10005583:27f8d1 /Server/162587743
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: Channel:36, Name:{SBS Arabic}, TransportID:880
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: /StationTms/10007208:27fa3a /Server/370133319
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: Channel:37, Name:{SBS Radio1}, TransportID:880
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: /StationTms/10002868:27f866 /Server/133776495
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: Channel:38, Name:{SBS Radio2}, TransportID:880
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: /StationTms/10002869:27f867 /Server/133776496
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: Channel:39, Name:{SBS Radio3}, TransportID:880
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: /StationTms/10006702:27f973 /Server/279370159
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: Channel:50, Name:9HD, TransportID:2049
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: /StationTms/10006999:27f9f3 /Server/348617340
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: Channel:51, Name:{Nine Gippsland}, TransportID:2049
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: NO STATION
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: Channel:52, Name:9Gem, TransportID:2049
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: /StationTms/10002877:27f86c /Server/135969601
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: Channel:53, Name:9Go!, TransportID:2049
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: /StationTms/10004928:27f8c8 /Server/157590955
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: Channel:54, Name:9Life, TransportID:2049
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: /StationTms/10007000:27f9f4 /Server/348617341
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: Channel:55, Name:SBN, TransportID:2049
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: NO STATION
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: Channel:56, Name:Aspire, TransportID:2049
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: NO STATION
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: Channel:60, Name:{PRIME7 Traralgon}, TransportID:2461
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: NO STATION
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: Channel:61, Name:{PRIME7 Traralgon}, TransportID:2461
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: NO STATION
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: Channel:62, Name:7TWO, TransportID:2461
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: /StationTms/10004948:27f835 /Server/157634525
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: Channel:63, Name:7mate, TransportID:2461
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: /StationTms/10006372:27f919 /Server/171172996
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: Channel:65, Name:ishoptv, TransportID:2461
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: NO STATION
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: Channel:66, Name:7flix, TransportID:2461
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: NO STATION
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: Channel:68, Name:RACING.COM, TransportID:2461
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: /StationTms/10006802:27f99c /Server/334072732
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: Channel:80, Name:{WIN HD}, TransportID:12925
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: /StationTms/10006966:27f9ec /Server/341062296
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: Channel:81, Name:ONE, TransportID:12925
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: /StationTms/10003385:27f8a0 /Server/150520274
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: Channel:82, Name:ELEVEN, TransportID:12925
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: /StationTms/10002454:27f7ec /Server/120868662
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: Channel:83, Name:{WIN NETWORK}, TransportID:12925
    01/02:23:35:23: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: NO STATION
    01/02:23:35:23: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: Channel:84, Name:TVSN, TransportID:12925
    01/02:23:35:23: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: NO STATION
    01/02:23:35:23: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: Channel:85, Name:GOLD, TransportID:12925
    01/02:23:35:23: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: NO STATION
    01/02:23:35:23: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: Channel:200, Name:{Double J}, TransportID:563
    01/02:23:35:23: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: /StationTms/10002871:27f864 /Server/133776488
    01/02:23:35:23: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: Channel:201, Name:{ABC Jazz}, TransportID:563
    01/02:23:35:23: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: /StationTms/10002870:27f865 /Server/133776489
    S3-tivo/hack $
    S3-tivo/hack $

    Also Thankyou for updating Family Feud it is now showing on the guide , ONE Happy Wife!
    Will let you know if see any further issues in the guide as time passes on.
    Let me know how you go with the 7Flix No Guide Issue.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Melbourne, Victoria
    Thanks for getting that.
    Unfortunately it doesn't have station details for 7flix :-

    Quote Originally Posted by levidog View Post

    Managed to get the info that i hope you require.

    S3-tivo/hack $ /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: Channel:66, Name:7flix, TransportID:2461
    01/02:23:35:22: /hack/bin/station_debug.tcl: NO STATION

    Let me know how you go with the 7Flix No Guide Issue.


    So I'm not sure how we can move forward on the 7flix issue without the tivoid for 7flix channel in Gippsland.

  8. #8

    I had an issue with channel 7flix when using hdhomerun also it did not have guide info as well , however they fixed it.
    I just used software to find some information of the channel on the hdhomerun tuner if it helps.
    Program 2446: 66 7flix
    Physical Channel: t7qam64:564500000
    Network Target:
    Channel au-bcast 33.

    If The Fetch Tv Has Channel Info on 7Flix How Is it The Tivo Does not? It Did Before Hybrid Shut Down The Guide Data.
    Anyway i hope the info is useful , please let me know what i can from here.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by levidog View Post
    If The Fetch Tv Has Channel Info on 7Flix How Is it The Tivo Does not? It Did Before Hybrid Shut Down The Guide Data.
    The TiVo doesn't (yet) as we need to find the ID number, hence what David has been asking for. Unfortunately I am on the fringe of receiving Mt Tassie and it *sometimes* comes up as I do have an antenna pointing to it. If I can try myself I will but it may take a bit. Usually humid conditions helps.

    Correct it did before Hybrid shut their server. The problem is that we have had to reconstruct EVERYTHING by hand that their server did. We got no information from them on how it worked or the structure. Agreed it is not perfect but bit by bit it is improving
    Darren King
    OzTiVo Repairs and Modifications
    If your TiVo requires repairs or modifications
    then visit:


  10. #10
    Thanks For That Darren.
    Yep i'm sure things will improve no doubt's here.
    It's great what you are all doing pulling together to make this work.
    Is the station id for 7Flix attainable from the fetch? to use on the tivo perhaps (i'm guessing it's not as simple as that.)
    And would changing to another type of aerial increase my chance of the guide data?
    My Tivo is running great regardless of the guide glitch here and there.
    Thanks Everyone for your support.

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