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Thread: TiVo desktop no longer works with Music, Photos and Showcases

  1. #1

    TiVo desktop no longer works with Music, Photos and Showcases

    Prior to OzTiVo, My Music, Photos and Showcases worked fine, using the TiVo Desktop on my PC. Now after having had my TiVo modded successfully (everything else working fine), it no longer works. When I click on "Music" on my TiVo, it goes to a blank menu screen for 5 seconds then reverts to the Music, Photos and Showcases menu, with no error messages. The TiVo desktop server is running ok on my PC.Music, Photos and Showcase folders are being shared. What could be going wrong? NB when I opened the TiVo desktop for the first time after my OzTiVo mod, it asked for the Media Device Key- I used the original one I had input years ago when I first got my TiVo in 2011. Could this be an issue?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    New Zealand
    As been noted on Whirlpool there is not at present a direct solution to your lost MAK problem.
    If this is a major drawback for you one solution would be to purchase an unmodded TiVo with a MAK and upgrading it or maybe a swap with someone who doesn't need a machine with a working MAK.

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