
Thanks again for the detailed description of the two transfer methods: On that score - I have tried a download manager (FreeDownloadManager at and this works perfectly for getting tivo files off TiVo. It supports resume downloads and will cue up as many shows as you like for download and even perform various tasks on completion. Tivo will not allow more than one download at a time, so I had to set the manager to allow only one too. Other than that, pretty easy. Not quite ftp access, but it will do)

I had another go at VideoRedo and it does work well - pretty faultless in terms of speed with which it does things. But I have settled on my download manager and PowerDirector for editing and changing formats where necessary.

RE:Your last statement about using videoredo instead of tivodecode in KMTTG. That is interesting - I suppose you would need a bought version, as opposed to the trial version.
