my Tivo has had many occurrences of failing to record complete shows, failing to record any audio, and recording pixelated junk.

i have on many occasions emailed and rang the Australian supplier of tivo, and have been fobbed off everytime.
i have emailed them many times with data that they have requested from the on board diagnostics, and have had no response at all.

i should have never brought this thing.

im about ready to throw it in the bin. should have bought another topfield.
my 5 year old topfiel masterpeice never had any of these issues.

the tuner in the tivo is way too sensitive to signal glitches.
if i have one thing recording, and the second tuner starts to record something on the same channel, most of the time,
the second recording will be scrambled, or have no audio.

as soon as i can, im going to buy a topfield or beyonwiz, and be rid of this piece of utter crap.

sorry to vent, but i needed to blow off steam, as im getting nowhere with hybrid.
