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Thread: Device Name Not Updating and Deactivate / Activate Option

  1. #1

    Device Name Not Updating and Deactivate / Activate Option

    Hello everyone – I am requesting some advice / help as I have asked for support from TiVo Australia and it is taking a really long time (5 days and counting). This is a long post (sorry) so please don't feel you have to answer all of it - short suggestions are fine.

    I have recently bought a TiVo 663160 off eBay and as a former Topfield 5000 owner I am VERY happy indeed.

    My concern is that the Device Name is not appearing in the Status Information screen on the TiVo even though I have renamed it over a week ago on the web site. It still says something like <Rename this device at> or something similar. I am keeping it simple and using the name TIVO (no spaces, numbers or special characters).

    I have restarted the TiVo using the menu option and manually connected. I have even gone through Setup again as well but nothing changes. FYI I am using Ethernet (not wireless) to connect.

    Is this normal? Has anyone else had this issue? Should the name appear? Will it ever appear? How can I get it to appear?!!

    If it is not showing up does this mean there is a minor fault with the unit? Note that apart for the No Name issue, it works fine – the online TiVo Genie programming transfers down perfectly.

    In case this helps with the answer I should add that I got the former owner (who was leaving the country) to change the password on their TiVo account. I then merged his account in to my own account (that I had already created) and then transferred the machine to me that way. I am wondering if this could be the source of the problem.

    Later I found out that he could have Deactivated it and then I could have Activated it. Not sure though if this is recommended. Should I have done it this way? (for future reference)

    I have some other questions about resetting the unit back to factory state as well.

    Because I only bought the 160GB model I am replacing the drive with a 1TB drive (Samsung HD103SI). Have already popped that in for testing and it works just fine but I don’t want to do anything permanent without getting some more info and advice. I understand that the new HD invalidates the warranty etc. but there is no warranty to worry about now.

    To make sure there are no issues I intend to do some form of “factory reset” and get the machine back to an “As New” state and then set it up again from scratch. Yes - I lose my recordings but I would rather make sure everything is right before I insert a new hard drive.

    I am looking for some advice and help as I have contacted TiVo support and as I said, they are very slow to respond.

    My choices are...

    1. Deactivate Machine and then Activate it. This looks scary and the manual says not to do it unless you are deactivating permanently so I am very concerned about this one. My concern is it won’t come back up again!

    2. Do a Clear and Delete Everything

    3. Do both! (as in “I say we nuke it from space – it’s the only way to be sure”)

    So what do you think would be the best approach?

    My big concern is that if I insert the new hard drive and then do a Deactivate / Activate, then if I ever need to use the old 160GB hard drive again it won’t work. Does anyone know if this might be a problem?

    BTW one final question (sorry!). How do you find out your MAK number – do you only get it if you have purchased the HNP (I haven’t yet)? Is the HNP worth it if you have an iPhone and want to watch stuff on that?

    Sorry this is so long but TiVo support is not working for me so you guys are the only ones I can turn to.

    Any advice / comments would be very much appreciated.

    Last edited by sdelisle; 12-11-2010 at 02:54 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by sdelisle View Post
    My concern is that the Device Name is not appearing in the Status Information screen on the TiVo even though I have renamed it over a week ago on the web site. It still says something like <Rename this device at> or something similar. I am keeping it simple and using the name TIVO (no spaces, numbers or special characters).

    ...Is this normal? Has anyone else had this issue? Should the name appear? Will it ever appear? How can I get it to appear?!!
    It is normal to take a fair bit of time (even over a week), but yes it does normally show on the system info screen. apart from not appearing there, it does not seem to be causing you any issues.

    Quote Originally Posted by sdelisle View Post
    In case this helps with the answer I should add that I got the former owner (who was leaving the country) to change the password on their TiVo account. I then merged his account in to my own account (that I had already created) and then transferred the machine to me that way. I am wondering if this could be the source of the problem.
    It is possible. anything like this seems to only work some of the time, whether accounts are merged or a deactivated TiVo is added. I suggest you keep pestering Support if it bugs you.

    Quote Originally Posted by sdelisle View Post
    I have some other questions about resetting the unit back to factory state as well.
    To make sure there are no issues I intend to do some form of “factory reset” and get the machine back to an “As New” state and then set it up again from scratch. Yes - I lose my recordings but I would rather make sure everything is right before I insert a new hard drive.
    A clear and delete everything is a good idea when purchasing a used TiVo. as it also clears the previous owners viewing habit allowing you to train the suggestions to your preference easier. Once done and the TiVo has been setup again, wait 24 hours and then copy the drive to your new drive and use it with the original as a backup.

    Quote Originally Posted by sdelisle View Post
    BTW one final question (sorry!). How do you find out your MAK number – do you only get it if you have purchased the HNP (I haven’t yet)? Is the HNP worth it if you have an iPhone and want to watch stuff on that?
    Yes, you only get a MAK with HNP. and if you do want to watch shows on your iPhone then you will need a MAK to get it off the unit.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  3. #3
    Hi Peter

    Thank you so much for replying I really appreciate it. If anyone else wants to add anything please do.

    In the mean time I will wait until after the weekend and then do a clear and delete and then a deactivate and activate and then let it settle for a day as you suggested.


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