What version of Toast 10 are you running? try the latest upgrades.
I have one show I would like to burn to a DVD on my Mac. So that I can show
I have the TiVo network package, and Toast 10 but this doesn't let it happen.
On this page https://www3.tivo.com/store/accessories-software.do it appears to say Toast 10 will do it, but when I try I get a message saying I can't.
I've done some searching around but still haven't found a solution.
Any suggestions? As it's only a once off, I'm not really interested in paying any money for it.
10.0.8 which is the latest version.
Forget about Tivo Desktop and Toast.
Try iTivo http://code.google.com/p/itivo/ which will download the file and convert it to your desired format (there is an option specifically for DVD), and then burn using iDVD.
BTW to upload to your tivo use the sister program pytivox http://code.google.com/p/pytivox/
Both are great open source programs that bundle up other great tivo utils (if only streambaby would work in Australia).
Hope that helps