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Thread: Tivo HD fails to record a whole show

  1. #1

    Tivo HD fails to record a whole show

    anyone else notice their tivo failing to record a complete show ?

    a few times now, my tivo just doesnt record the entire show.
    it stops at some random point during recording.

    the time bar at the bottom of the screen still says 1hr for example, but the green bit might only be 10 or 15 minutes.
    so it's like it knows that the recording should have been for the whole hour, but just gave up recording for some unknown reason.

    mine has done this on a number of occasions now.

    any ideas ?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    Haven't seen this, what does the program information screen say about the duration of the recording?

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  3. #3
    i just deleted the program.
    next time it does it, ill make notes, and even get a pic of the screen scrubber bar.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Melbourne, VIC
    Yep. Experienced it - Something like a hour program cut at 32mins or something. No messages no errors apparent. Just put it down to the degradation of the Tivo experience under TivoHD (other than picture quality). Even support seems pretty woeful when I have asked for help. I seriously get misty eyed thinking about my S1 that was smarter, kinder, and just that little bit more cuddly. Now I have to juggle two tuners that lack much of the intelligence to work together. Oh, well, price for a better picture.

    TivoHD w/1tb "update"
    TiVo SVR2000 unit w/200Gb Seagate, Turbonetcard & Dlink-810 wireless bridge, FTA Strong STB. Latest image 1.6.###

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Christchurch, New Zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by JustinD View Post
    ... S1 that was smarter, kinder, and just that little bit more cuddly. Now I have to juggle two tuners that lack much of the intelligence to work together. Oh, well, price for a better picture.
    Well said.
    Just a week ago we finally replaced our 27" 4:3 CRT with a FullHD LCD, and now I can see the difference! Still got the S1 hooked too up of course

    TiVo Series3 TiVoHD x2

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