What you are seeing is correct for an Australian TiVo HD, I assume the instructions you followed are for a US TiVO.
Hi all,
I have replaced the 160GB HDD in my HD Tivo with a 1TB WD AV Green power drive as per the instructions referred to in this forum using Winmfs and all went well. Installed the new HDD in the Tivo and crossed my fingers. It booted up with setup screen and sat on that for a while until the Grey shut down screen appeared that tells you to either hit the Tivo button or..... So I restarted the Tivo and everything went as per normal. My saved shows are still there, everything else seems normal. I then went to the messages and settings screen and selected System Info where I read that I now have up to 200 Hours of HD (Good) and up to 400 hours of SD (Not so good I think). The run through I was using off Engadget gives an example of around 144 hours of HD and over 1300 hours of SD.
Any ideas on why mine is reading so low on the SD??
Thanks Peter,
I used the Engadget run through as I said which is a US site. I realise with NTSC and different frame rates, etc. that there would be differences but why such a large difference with the Standard definition?
Well to start with, engadget used a 750Gb drive for their upgrade which pretty much covers the difference in HD hours (and our HD is similar to US).
For standard SD content 640 × 480 format is used in NTSC countries, while 720 × 576 is used in PAL, so there are 35% more pixels in our SD image. but the main difference for SD is a lower basic data rate used on SD in the US.