before i got my tivo a few weeks ago, i called foxtel about this 'upcoming' pvr. no one i spoke to knew what a PVR was, then after four people i was finally put through to a 'manager' who told me the only official document she could find said that there were plans to introduce one in the 'near future' and that there would be an additional installation cost (even for existing customers) plus an additional monthly cost. Prices weren't available yet.
Did someone say vaporware?
Im sure it'll show up one day. From what I understand Murdoch who is a major Foxtel shareholder, also owns NDS and also owns DirectTV has learnt a valuable lesson from TiVo ( which he doesn't own ) in the US and applied it to the UK where he owns a lot of BSkyB and instead of TiVo supplied NDS ( funny enough ) PVR's. So it would make sense that they introduce a NDS PVR here in Australia.
I'll believe it when I see it - I'm not cynical by nature, it takes a lot of practice
Now excuse me because Im going to put a deposit on the new Sony PSX console they said it may come to Australia this year... or next.. or the year after that...
Long Live TiVo ( and minnie! )