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Thread: How to Change Post Code

  1. #1

    How to Change Post Code

    I travel between QLD and VIC. I am in VIC now, have scanned new channels in OK, have connected to my network OK, the TIVO hahas gone thru its "getting back to base" (whatever it's called) OK but the time is still QLD.

    The last time I went back to VIC (and returned to QLD) the times changed automatically or at least I cannot recall needing to change the Post Code - but I could be wrong.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    The time is wrong because in summer Victoria has Daylight savings and Queensland does not.

    But apart from that you should redo guided setup each time you move so that you get correct guide data as there can be differences between Vic & Qld schedules.

    follow the instructions here to redo guided setup.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  3. #3
    Thanks for that - yes I finally worked out that daylight saving is in effect now but was NOT during my last trip to VIC in July.

    Interestingly in July after I deleted the QLD chanels and scanned in the new ones in VIC all the schedules were fine and I was able to record OK.

    Will do the guided setup - wish there was a shortcut just to change the time.

    Thanks Again

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    You can use settime to manualy change the time, but it will get overwritten when the TiVo makes a daily call.

    The main stations are almost the same but there is around a 5% difference city to city.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

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