Aside from this, it must be noted that the guide data provided via the Tivo is not with out it's flaws, and Tivo seem unwilling to be involved in assisting with a fix, and their written responses are hard to make much sense of. When I queried why suggenly 24 on Friday evening (a new series) became a repeat as far as the guide data was concerned, I received this reply;
if there is interruption with your internet during epg update it will show the program but any change
it wont take effect until the program update
you can either update it manually or they system can update it automatically every 24 to 48 hrs
also we have no control over the broadcasting if they want to broadcast a repeat tivo just pick it up and show it
we have no control over EPG data we pass it on from the broadcaster, we not allow to edit it or make changes
TiVo Support
NB copied and pasted - capitalisation as it was sent...
An attempt to tell me my internet had an issue and that's the reason (nope - try again). Also they may provide the EPG to me but seem to take no responsibility or offer any assistance to repair accuracy (check how many programs Michael Weatherly stars in - NCIS is correct, NCIS LA is not, nor in the other that slips my mind.)
Alas the support from the commercial offering pails next to the community support I have been used to (ironic huh?) - but then I guess that's what happens when the support is outsouced and we don't pay a subscription...
Anyone else had any dealings with Tivo?
US Philips HDR212 Series 1 Tivo, Cachecard with 512MB RAM, 320GB hard disk, OzTivo Image 1.6.2-20061109. Tivo rocks!
New Zealand