IR Codes for Zinwell/DSE NZ UHF Freeview Boxes
Codes for the Zinwell HD UHF box which is the same as the DSE HD UHF box [small black STB] have been added to the oztivo IR slice and the slice has been updated by the nztivo system.
Models are Zinwell ZMT-620HD and DSE G7503. Both verified as identical. The IR codes were uploaded to the oztivo IR database under the DSE section.
With these STB's you can use dual input sky/freeview and the dual headends to get all channels sky+freeview etc to watch HD you need to use HDMI so an SD tivo works fine with the standard composite outputs which only go to 576i
1 x Philips TiVo Series 1, Cachecard, 1 x 1TB SATA (with recent TradeMe sourced adaptor), Mk II Pal Tuner Mod, NZ Emulator, Previously Dual A/V Source, Now Pay Satellite
2 x TiVo HD, Freeview, HNP, 2TB (WD-AV) jmfs upgraded
1 x Thomson UK TiVo, Cachecard, 200GB, Testing Work