hi guys,

Good to see your putting this forum to use..

In response to NZ Tivo images, I am working on one right now but i'm not too keen on the idea tho, the biggest problem at the moment is that there is nowhere to host the images. I think I can squeze one onto my website if i'm lucky

man, all I really wanted to do was to get NZ Tivo out into the open, that has been achieved... I'm satisfied with it, prior to my site there was jack all NZ tivo info, now you can google nz tivo or any combination of words like it and find your way to my site reasonably quickly and get some straight answers.
It's not the be all and end all, it's just some info I chucked up so people know it exists and can get started...

I get people emailing me asking why I don't have NZ Images, well christ buddy I'm not really keen to support a bunch of dumbasses like yourself.. hehe

Ideally we should be running an emulator like oztivo. I'd like some others to take it to the next stage. I'm happy to help make slices but not really keen to support a community of Tivo users who haven't bothered to learn anything at all about Tivo because they just used the NZ Tivo Image. My feeling is that maybe further down the track when Tivo is more established and it's more stable and customized for NZ then that would be great but at the moment is still at a bit of a rough stage and to try and support non-hobbyist users is not particularly wise.

thoughts guys?