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Thread: First impressions of the Australian HD TiVo

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Traralgon, Vic
    Amen, let's just hope that we don't end up like the UK and they abandon a sinking ship

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket View Post
    First impressions were pretty bad. Less than 24hrs after getting it home and loading all my wishlists, scheduling programs, etc. I was watching AFL last Saturday and the screen froze!
    That's not a good sign, but chances are your unit still had the original firmware. This gets automatically upgraded in a day or two. Have a look at the system information page an let us know what firmware you have now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket View Post
    (incidentally, is there any way to put the thing in stanby overnight or does it just stay on?).
    Yes there is, you can select standby in messages and settings. But all it does is turn off the the video output and front panel lights. The whole machine runs 24 hours a day, and very few people bother with the standby function.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket View Post
    I find it is good except that I can see it's going to take time to help it learn my preferences.
    Yes, make sure you use both thumbs up and down to as many shows as you can. This will speed things up. Normally start seeing results after about a week.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket View Post
    The other, not disabling, but damn annoying thing is that every now and then (seems to be when recording is going), when I try to look at something on the now playing list, there is no sound! Sometimes going through a menu driven restart will fix this, other times pressing the TiVo button and starting again will fix it (but you can't always do that when you have recordings taking place!).
    I don't see this, again it may be an issue with the original firmware, don't forget Harvey Norman was not supposed to start selling the Units yet. what do you have selected for digital sound.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket View Post
    As I say, it's not totally disabling, but it is damn annoying especially with all the testing they did here before launch and the fact that this technology has been in use in the U.S. for nearly ten years one would have thought they had all the bugs ironed out?
    This TiVo is totally different to the US one because of the DVB-T tuners, so a lot of the code has been rewritten.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hellerphant View Post
    Amen, let's just hope that we don't end up like the UK and they abandon a sinking ship
    Just to clarify things in the UK, Thomson (who were partners in TiVo UK) stopped making TiVo boxes. But service was and still is provided, so no one is any worse off, except you cannot buy a new TiVo.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Traralgon, Vic
    That's a relief, thanks Pete

  4. #14

    Further Info

    Just to clarify my response (which I seem to have mucked up format wise with quotes, etc. sorry!), when I mentioned the online guide I didn't mean on my TiVo, that is working perfectly. I was referring to the one at - re-reading the post it sounded a bit confsuing.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    8.2.1-01-2-663 is the current upgraded software, so hopefully you won't get the lockup again.

    You only mentioned giving 3 thumbs up, try and give some 1 and 2 thumbs up using the same criteria that you use for the thumbs down.

    For the Audio issue try selecting Dolby Digital to PCM instead and see if it improves. Either way once they start taking support calls log a complaint as it shouldn't happen.

    For some reason TiVo have decided to set their line-ups and messages in a way that if there is any change anywhere in Australia everyone seems to get the message. It's dumb and doesn't need to occur. But, unless it lists channels you receive, you can safely ignore the message.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  6. #16
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket View Post
    when I mentioned the online guide I didn't mean on my TiVo, that is working perfectly. I was referring to the one at
    As Peter has already mentioned the official launch date is not until the 29th. Harvey Norman started selling them before Hybrid Television Services told them to, so HTS have not got their website ready yet.
    Darren King
    OzTiVo Repairs and Modifications
    If your TiVo requires repairs or modifications
    then visit:


  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by petestrash View Post
    8.2.1-01-2-663 is the current upgraded software, so hopefully you won't get the lockup again.

    You only mentioned giving 3 thumbs up, try and give some 1 and 2 thumbs up using the same criteria that you use for the thumbs down.

    For the Audio issue try selecting Dolby Digital to PCM instead and see if it improves. Either way once they start taking support calls log a complaint as it shouldn't happen.

    For some reason TiVo have decided to set their line-ups and messages in a way that if there is any change anywhere in Australia everyone seems to get the message. It's dumb and doesn't need to occur. But, unless it lists channels you receive, you can safely ignore the message.

    Many Thanks. It happened again a few hours ago. As I say, I can always go away and reset when there's no recordings taking place and watch later. But as you say, once the official date arrives I will call support if it's still happening.

    The thing with the extra channels is that we are technically in 'central Victoria', on the very outskirts of the metropolitan area (about 50-60km from the CBD) so I guess it is technically possible that the TiVo Tuner is a bit more sensitive than my Sony DVD Recorder (it is a Dig. Tuner) and it has picked the extra channels up? I will try the instructions and see if they appear on th channel list and can be ticked.

    To give you an idea, we have problems with the ABC as it quite regularly brakes up on a variety of tuners, although some of them seem to have 'learned' over time and don't break up as often. TiVo is almost unwatchable on channel ABC1 and ABC2 but we have Foxtel iQ as well and probably need a better antenna or a booster.


  8. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    Did the sound cut out with the PCM setting as suggested or had you not tried it yet?

    For interest it would be worth checking your signal level for ABC. The TiVo has quite a good meter built in. Go to Messages & Settings>Settings>Channels>Signal Quality and have a look at the levels for 1,2,3,7,9 (the HD's will be the same) and let us know.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by petestrash View Post
    Did the sound cut out with the PCM setting as suggested or had you not tried it yet?

    For interest it would be worth checking your signal level for ABC. The TiVo has quite a good meter built in. Go to Messages & Settings>Settings>Channels>Signal Quality and have a look at the levels for 1,2,3,7,9 (the HD's will be the same) and let us know.

    Hi Peter,
    Sorry for the late reply. I changed the sound over today when it happened again. Funny thing is, it only seems to happen (so far) with the Tivo Introductory Videos and 'The News Hour with Jim Lehrer' recorded from SBS (Channel 30).
    I haven't had a chance to test it again or have it happen again with the sound set to DD PCM (note, at the moment, I have my HT set up with Stereo due to having swapped out a power amp and needing to get a chance to move the extremely heavy cabinet out to reconnect everything properly - I mention this because I assume PCM downconverts to Stereo, which isn't a problem for me at the moment).
    A restart of TiVo fixed the problem once again.
    I will check the signal level and let you know. I work from home and have been fairly busy the last week so haven't had time to look often at TiVo but will try and check it out over the weekend.

  10. #20

    First impressions of my first and then second Australian HD TiVo...

    I'm a Tivo first-timer. I bought one last Tuesday week. I was just asking questions about it when they offered to sell it, I thought the launch date was fixed in stone. I brought it back the next day and swapped it for another and kept that. Am almost completely happy with it so far.

    First impressions before powering on were that it looked and felt cheap and badly put together (my first one rattled - it is definitely not a Sony). The channel scan was disappointing - it registered all channels but didn't display any 7 or 9 channel. My Samsung TVs inbuilt HDTV tuner reported 7HD signal strength at 84 to 88. Moving the aerial cable over to the Tivo and the Tivo reported 7HD at 48 to 50. That's why I brought the first one back, that and the audio from the Tivo was twice as loud as my other TV input devices (VCR and DVD). Had the same signal level and audio issue on the second Tivo so I kept it and am getting Mr. Antenna to visit. I'll live with the overly high audio level I guess.

    To summarise, I'm happy enough but I wish it didn't have the following issues;
    * the Tivo TV tuner SEEMS to be inferior to my old Topfield STB and my new Samsung TV, and that's based on my experience of 2 Tivos
    * the Tivo audio SEEMS twice as loud as other TV input devices, and music doesn't sound all that good via the Tivo, sounds a little mangled, and it was the same on my first Tivo
    * you can mark which channels are your favourites but you can't re-order them (something you can do on a Topfield STB and on a Samsung digital TV). In Australia the channel order is all over the place, I'd like to have ABC1 and ABC2 next to each other and at the beginning of the channel list)
    * you can't bring up a channel list to select a channel to change to (OK you can use the guide for that but even that shows a scroll list)

    Other than all of the above, I'm a fairly happy little Tivo-mite. But one new problem became apparent as the days passed and as I began to watch the recorded shows. The audio level changes during playback - it fades down and just as I'm about to reach for the volume control it goes back up again.

    And another bad point - although I can control the TV volume using the TiVo remote, the volume button does not repeat the command when you hold it down.

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